Carol ReMarks

Kamala’s Fashion Faux Pas: Political Image and Media Tactics

August 18, 2024 Carol Marks


Has Kamala Harris unintentionally become a fashion icon for all the wrong reasons? This morning, we kick off with a hilarious yet critical discussion on the Vice President's infamous pantsuits. From oversized jackets to ill-fitted trousers, we ponder how her sartorial missteps might affect public perception of her competence and leadership capabilities. While she may not be Melania Trump, could a wardrobe overhaul elevate her professional image?

Join us for a spirited conversation that veers from fashion faux pas to the media's role in shaping political narratives. We highlight Fox News's uncanny ability to freeze-frame politicians' most unflattering facial expressions, providing a comedic yet insightful commentary on media tactics. As we scrutinize the Biden administration's purported achievements, we dissect how statistics can be twisted to support opposing viewpoints. Tune in for a mix of humor, critical analysis, and engaging political debate.

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Speaker 2:

hello and good morning good morning one and all. What a beautiful day it is today. All right, every day is a beautiful day every day is a beautiful day.

Speaker 1:

What do we have going on? We have everything going on yeah yes, absolutely I have a question for you what question do you have? Unless you wanted to start. Did you want to start with something? You go right ahead uh, I would like to know what kamala has done as a as her years as a politician. What accomplishments has she done as vice president specifically? Do you know?

Speaker 2:

can you name them. She's ruined the pantsuit. Look for women that she has my god, what are those things I mean? Can you know we could put a pole in that thing and have a family afford sleeping?

Speaker 1:

oh my gosh, I know why those I know the jackets are too long, they're too big, they're. Come on, girl, get with it if she would. I think she's a. She's an attractive 59 year old. I think she's not bad looking. She's not you. I think she's not bad-looking. Well, yeah, she's not. You know, melania Trump, that's for damn sure.

Speaker 2:

No, absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

But she's not hideous, no. So I think if she wore some more tailored suits she would look a lot better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, there's no question about that. Maybe that's part of it, though. Maybe they want to play down. You know that she's a little attractive, but she doesn't even look businesslike.

Speaker 1:

She doesn't look dignified. I was going to say that she's always worn those suits, but not really. If you go back and look at her with Montel Williams, she was not wearing those kind of suits, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, and she was a little bit younger than two as well, but uh, just tailor, just tighten up those suits, you know, let's let's look at other world leaders. Lady, lady, world leaders that are respected. Yes, you know they're dressed appropriately. I would call it she's not, she doesn't dress so. So that's an accomplishment. She's taken down fashion and not for women.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what, not to switch subjects real quick, but do you know what I like about Fox News?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They can capture the facial expressions of these politicians at just the right moment and plaster them all over the screen. And I love it, especially with this tim walls guy. Yeah, that, because you know he is so superficial. Yeah, you know that he is just having a conniption fit seeing his ridiculous mug on the screen.

Speaker 2:

The way they capture the worst expressions, yeah, and I love it and I think they, they, they really started perfecting that with, with, uh, sleepy joe. Yes, you know some of the expressions that he has on there, yes, and the ones that they still use well, I think phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think tucker started that a long time ago yeah, yeah, that's, that's.

Speaker 2:

They're good. I can't wait to see more of them yeah because he will produce more.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but yeah, they haven't. Uh, you know, they can't list accomplishments and when they do list accomplishments for the biden administration, they're all made up Things that have either not occurred or you know. I've always said, and people you know, I can get a statistic about something and I can make you one day look at that statistic and believe that let's go with that, the sky is falling. And then the next day I can present that same statistic, argue the other side of it and make you believe the sky is not falling. So I can take a statistic and make it say everything. And I think that's what they do. They take issues and they flower it up and make you think, oh, this is so wonderful. And then it's like, let's say, inflation right now, you know. They say, you know, inflation is really, you know it's great and all this stuff. Yet it's still rising at a rate higher, although it's come down.

Speaker 2:

And they may, they want to make you think, oh, that's so much, wonderful, it's so wonderful. Look what we've done. You know, when they haven't done anything, you know they've made no accomplishment, but I guess it's, you know, trying to make. Uh, you know that peed on bed smell good, you know. It just doesn't smell it. Just you know, the longer you're in it, the more you get used to it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you know, look around and say, yeah, it's not too bad, I guess is the best way to put it. But yeah, I see no accomplishments for her. No she can list that she can say you know, look what I've done. Or she'll just lie you know, look what I've done, or she'll just lie. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Embellish, they don't lie.

Speaker 1:

Or what's the term? What's the hipster, doofus term, gaslighting?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Where did that term come from? They need to knock that crap off right now, because it's not gaslighting. It makes it sound so fanciful. It's blatant lies or like the.

Speaker 2:

You know the term short, it's something is short-lived not short-lived yeah and kavuto I have not noticed that kavuto is using it now and I think uh, what's his name? Oh uh, another guy on fox news has said that for quite some time.

Speaker 1:

I've not heard of that. Oh yeah, I've not heard it.

Speaker 2:

You know somebody's trying to. You know kind of sort of like top of mind. You know they're going to make that the new catchphrase.

Speaker 1:

But short-lived is not even right, it's not even correct.

Speaker 2:

You know, I know that.

Speaker 1:

You sound like an idiot when you say short-lived. It's not short-lived, it's not, you're right, anyway.

Speaker 2:

On the lighter side.

Speaker 1:

Yes, on the lighter side, I know you're excited to talk about football, so it's all yours.

Speaker 2:

Football is on.

Speaker 1:

The stage is all yours.

Speaker 2:

Football is on its way.

Speaker 2:

Go for it football's on its way. You know, one of the things that I like now about Twitter at this time of year and it starts, you know, a good ways before now but there are several sites and people that will put up a player's number or a player. They don't put his number up, but they'll put a player's number or a player. They don't put his number up, but they'll put a player and say let's go with a great Georgia player, david Pollock days till football. And they'll put a little video in there of David Pollock making plays for Georgia, little video in there of David Pollock making plays for Georgia, which basically is saying you know, 44 days till football, because that was I think that was 44 was David's number.

Speaker 1:

So you have to know the players in football to understand what they're saying but this would be. I wouldn't, I would see it and I would be like, okay, I don't get it.

Speaker 2:

But what that site would do would be Georgia players, just Georgia players, not any player from any team. Being a Georgia fan, you know David Pollitt was number 47. You know there are 47 days to football. They'll put little highlights on there. The other day was one of the hardest hitters safeties that Georgia had was Greg Blue, and it had him and played some highlights of him and you remember the hard hits that he did. There would probably be penalties nowadays. Yeah, because you know you just can't hit. Oh, don't hit him there, it's too hard. The flag, anyway. So that's one of the saving graces for Twitter nowadays you can put good stuff like that up there instead of some of the crap that's on there. So it's a good thing.

Speaker 1:

What do they sound like again?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you can't hit them there. That's too hard. Don't do that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh well.

Speaker 2:

Champagne coulis for everybody.

Speaker 1:

But you're excited for football.

Speaker 2:

I am excited for football.

Speaker 1:

When? Do you know? Maybe I'm putting you on the spot here. Do you know? When is the first game for Georgia this year?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is approximately two weeks away.

Speaker 1:

Who do they play?

Speaker 2:

The Clemson Tigers. We played them in Atlanta.

Speaker 1:

How is Georgia faring? Are they looking good? Are they going to be good?

Speaker 2:

Well, our preseason ranking is number one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

So that would say, yeah, they're going to be pretty decent.

Speaker 1:

Here's my memory. Did they win the championship last year?

Speaker 2:

No, they got, as Leo would say, they got fucked in the drive-thru. Oh, who did they play? We beat Florida State in the Orange Bowl. I think it was 63-3. 65-3. Right, something like that. But we lost to Alabama in the conference championship. That was the only game we lost. We lost it by three points and they decided that we weren't good enough for the, dropped us from number one to number five, or no, number one to number six, which is just unbelievable and we didn't get to play, even though we were two-time repeating national championships, national champions didn't get to play. They stuck Alabama in there and Alabama lost to Michigan. We would have never lost to Michigan and we would have won the national championship again. I'm just saying that, you know, maybe we would, maybe we wouldn't. It's very difficult for any team to win a championship, much less two in a row. So it was what it was. We may have won, we may have not. You can't really argue that point, but it kind of felt like they were putting Alabama in there because Nick Saban was retiring.

Speaker 2:

This was going to be his last hurrah.

Speaker 1:

Who's coaching now, man?

Speaker 2:

You know you say that DeBoer he's from Washington, he's a hell of a coach.

Speaker 1:

So wasn't there an interim coach, like a fill-in coach? Did they actually hire somebody?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, immediately. Did they promote somebody from within? No, they hired him from the University of Washington.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no no, I wonder how that's going to work out. Well, he's very talented, very highly thought of yeah, but he's not from the South, he's coming in from outside.

Speaker 2:

Well, the only thing about it is it's very difficult to replace a legend.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's true. And that's the biggest part about it, no matter how good you are.

Speaker 2:

And things have changed within the college football arena too, oh, yeah, big time with the portals and all that the portals and the NILs and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

They just think they're hot stuff and they can do whatever they want. It's not really a team anymore. It's like oh, look at me, it's me me, me, it's a business. I can't do that because my name in lightning.

Speaker 2:

It's a business.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The kids are coming in as business people instead of coming in as student athletes, and that's one of the things. Can Tuscaloosa be that big a NIL draw? You know it's not in a major. It's definitely not in a major. You know network. You know USC's getting a lot of players from Georgia because they're offering, you know, these NIL deals to them.

Speaker 1:

You know it's gonna shake things's going to shake things up, that's for sure it is.

Speaker 2:

It actually is and you know, you can see it happening on a daily basis when you look at all of the. You know the way the conferences are set up. Now you know there's not a Pac-10, pac-12. Right All this, you know you've got teams that are all over the country, that are all over the country that are a part of a league. So it's going to take that regional competition out. Eventually. There'll still be some regional competition, but it's becoming more of a professional football league than it is a collegiate sport.

Speaker 1:

Do you think it's going to make it more enjoyable or less enjoyable?

Speaker 2:

More enjoyable for a few.

Speaker 1:

less enjoyable for a lot more enjoyable for a few, less enjoyable for a lot.

Speaker 2:

Is it going to make it harder for the SEC to be the powerhouse it once was? Yeah, I think part of that. You know it's got. I think it's trying. You know all the rules they make. They try to level out the playing field, but they but they'll never do that. It's all going to come down to who has the most money.

Speaker 1:

So that's sad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so whoever has the most money will have the best players.

Speaker 1:

That's sad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is it really is.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's the way it goes.

Speaker 2:

But it also takes it so that you're going to have a top tier of maybe 30 teams. That will be the only teams that can compete for the national championship.

Speaker 1:

So you can pretty much predict everything. I guess the good part about this is you're gambling, you gamble.

Speaker 2:

You could probably do well with gambling, no because, that's you know, the odds makers set odds. This is the way they're going to make. They're going to make money. They're not going to set odds to where you make money.

Speaker 1:

I just figured more predictable, but you could know who's going to win Well if it becomes more predictable, the odds go down.

Speaker 2:

You know, it becomes an even money bet. But if you lose, you lose Denver.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if we've got an even money, Well, they just make everything sucky now, then don't they Nothing's fun anymore.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, that's the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

They're sucking the life out of us. That's it, I'm done.

Speaker 2:

Sucking the life out of us.

Speaker 1:

They are Everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, now I'm not even looking forward. Politics, sports, I'm not even looking forward.

Speaker 1:

What's next? I'm not even looking forward to football anymore. All right, we got to go. What?

Speaker 2:

do you?

Speaker 1:

think we need a question of the day.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's see.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh I don't know, probably needs to be sports related, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, here is the question of the day. With football season coming up, the first day is always special. So what is going to be your game day snack and menu? Now, I say menu because you've always got one or two, three, four, five things. But what is going to be the prominent feature of your game day snacks?

Speaker 1:

all right, that's it. That's the question.

Speaker 2:

Go Dawgs.

Speaker 1:

What is yours going to be?

Speaker 2:

I think it's going to be sausage cheese Rotel dip.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, we haven't had that in a while. Yum, I want it right now. At this hour of the morning, oh my gosh, I want it for breakfast. How hour of the morning? Oh my gosh, I want it for breakfast.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you get you a pimento? How about a pimento cheese sandwich? All?

Speaker 1:

right, we got to go. Y'all have a good one. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 2:

Go Dawgs.

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