Carol ReMarks

From Job Interviews to Dubai Jail: Unexpected Tales and Thought-Provoking Conversations

August 19, 2024 Carol Marks


Ever wondered why a job interview outfit could spark a heated debate? Today, I share an unexpected story that does just that, alongside our hopes for a peaceful Democratic National Convention in Chicago amidst fears of unrest. We also confront a disturbing medical mishap that raises serious questions about the competency of elderly practitioners. From the serene beauty of the moon to the chaos of real-world issues, this episode takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. 

Next, brace yourself for a jaw-dropping tale about two Ohio brothers jailed in Dubai for consuming alcohol after being drugged at a yacht party—an incident that underscores the perils of not knowing local laws while traveling. We then celebrate the incredible dedication of Enrique, a young Cuban immigrant artist who drove 15 hours to present his powerful oil painting to Donald Trump at a rally. We wrap up on a lighter note with a delightful conversation about our favorite soap scents and skincare tips, including a shout-out to the amazing benefits of black African soap. Tune in for an episode bursting with thought-provoking and heartwarming stories!

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Speaker 1:

and did y'all see the moon coming into work this morning? It was beautiful, uh, large, and the way the light was hitting it it was just so pretty and a little bit of like fog and clouds, and and it was just gorgeous. I wish I could explain it better. Okay, we have a lot going on today, a lot of different topics. First, the DNC.

Speaker 1:

The Democratic National Convention starts today in Chicago and, my goodness gracious, oh, I don't even know where to start with that. I'll be covering it more throughout the week. I will be writing about it at the Victory Girls blog and because I'm writing every day this week for them, I don't think I'm going to be able to stay up late to watch all of it on television. I will catch the highlights and I'll, of course, talk about the main story. I think right now are the protests that are set up to take place. Oh my gosh, is Chicago going to burn down? I think that's the question I go back and forth to like. It's going to be huge disaster. People are going to get killed. It's going to be terrible to know nothing's going to happen. I pray nothing is going to happen. As much as I don't like the Democrats, I don't want anything bad to happen to that convention. That would be horrible, because they are Americans, we know. And the protesters just need to just calm down, take a breath. It's ridiculous. You don't even know what you're protesting. You're probably paid to be there and shame on you. It's ridiculous. I didn't mean to go off on a tangent there.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to talk about the things I have on my x file. Oh my gosh, we have all kinds of stuff. The first thing we're going to cover is this girl this I shouldn't say girl, young lady, excuse me got kicked out of a job interview for wearing short shorts and she thought she looked professional from the New York Post. All right, here we go and they she has pictures in the story if you would like to go, check out her outfit and I definitely think it was inappropriate for a job interview. It doesn't say what type of job interview she was going for, but if she thought she looked professional, it must have been for some type of office professional job. So experts have weighed in after a woman was thrown out of a job interview for wearing shorts, leaving many wondering why the wardrobe staple is inappropriate for work Because there's shorts.

Speaker 1:

Earlier this week, week Tyresha, who posts under the handle mtyresha daily, revealed she had been told to get changed after showing up to an interview wearing black shorts, a white top and a light cardigan. I cannot believe. The recruiter asked me to change my interview clothes then come back. She captioned in her video I look very neat and professional, so no. She added alongside the hashtags job hunting and viral. In the clip posted on tiktok, tyresha is standing facing the camera with her arms crossed. The recruiter rejected me because of this. She wrote on the video over the video, adding a red exclamation point emoji. Yeah, that'll do it. Gotta get that red exclamation point emoji out there.

Speaker 1:

Tyresha tells the viewers she was dressed code during a job interview, with the recruiter asking her if she would like to go home, change her outfit and come back before rescheduling the appointment for the following day. I was like no, she said before proceeding to show off her ensemble to the camera with a puzzled look on her face. Now I will say she does look cute, but not for a job interview. She does look neat and she does look cute. It's a pair of black shorts with a white cardigan t-shirt t-shirt and then a white cardigan button-up on top of that. It is cute, but it is definitely not work-job interview appropriate at all, and her viewers let her know.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people shot back and like no little girl, you are wrong. So good for them. All right, so let's see what's next. I'm sorry, mr sean's, I keep saying so. It's another one of those things like anyway, and so I'm I apologize. I don't like it either. I can't stand it when I hear other people say it as well. I apologize. Okay, florida, this next story terrifies me. I'm glad I already got my colonoscopy out of the way, all right.

Speaker 1:

Florida doc, 84 years old why is he still practicing? Couldn't hear colonoscopy patients screaming in agony because he wasn't wearing his hearing aids. Oh my gosh. Again for the New York Post. Here we go, and not just one. There was two patients. A Florida gastroenterologist oh my gosh, I can't believe.

Speaker 1:

I said it has been disciplined after two recent colonoscopy procedures went awry on his watch, including at least one where he couldn't hear an improperly sedated patient's screams because he wasn't wearing his hearing aids. Sedated patient screams because he wasn't wearing his hearing aids. Dr Ishari Prasad, 84 years old, you are not coming near me, sir. No, no, I would like a younger person. Thank you. I realize you're 84. You probably have a lot of knowledge, but you are not touching me. I don't think he actually touched these people. I think he instructed other people, but he's 84. No, I don't care if he no, I don't care. He has been placed on probation by the florida board of medicine after and this is in florida, this is not some third world country, this is in florida probation by the florida.

Speaker 1:

After the botched procedures. According to a State Department of Health administrative complaint viewed by USA Today, both colonoscopies took place on June 5th last year at the Tampa Ambulatory Surgery Center. During the first, prasad is said to have improperly delegated medical tasks to a surgical tech who did not have a license to practice medicine. The complaint reads what in the world? The tech was instructed by prasad to perform? At least one task from a list including scope insertion, scope manipulation, manipulating an instrument over polyps or tissue, or removing polyps or tissue. They had the tech doing the procedure. And why? Do you know?

Speaker 1:

When I was there, when I had my colonoscopy, there were one, two, three, four. Wait, one, two, three, four people. There were two women, my doctor and then the guy who gave me the, the anesthesiologist. And uh, how come, when these patient patients were, this patient was screaming, they didn't hear him. Oh, okay, you can go finish reading that. I've got to move on because I'm running late. Let's see, it's just, it's amazing that that happened. No, thank you.

Speaker 1:

84 years old, I'm sure there are capable. 84 years old, can you imagine? When I hear that I think of Joe Biden, automatically 84, joe Biden doing a colonoscopy? Nope, no, thank you. All right.

Speaker 1:

This next story. Oh, it's so scary and terrifying. Oh my gosh. And this is our last story. And then I will get to the question of the day Air Force veteran brother sentenced to Dubai jail after being drugged. Y'all be careful when you go on vacation and you go overseas. First of all, are you going to Dubai? No, thank you, I am NOT going to any country over there on vacation. No, oh, all right.

Speaker 1:

Two Ohio brothers, including an Air Force veteran turned influencer, who claimed they were drugged during a yacht party in the United Arab Emirates, were sentenced to jail for alcohol consumption, a law that is strictly enforced in the Middle Eastern nation. Joseph and Joshua Lopez will each serve a month in prison for the drinking alcohol charge they received while on a touristic visit to the Emirates in June. According to Detained in Dubai, detained in Dubai is an organization dedicated to helping people facing legal issues in the UAE. Two brothers were enjoying a night out on June 2nd when they were brought to two separate after parties and forced to pay massive bills before a woman served them a drink they claimed was drugged. These guys are idiots, I'm sorry. Do they not know what is happening in the world? Why would you, why would you do this? Be knowledgeable about where you're going? And, of course, alcohol is involved, so that's going to impair everything. They were drugged by locals.

Speaker 1:

After being asked to a yacht party by a local resident detained in dubai, ceo rada sterling wrote in the website joseph lopez, who is currently mr louisiana in the mr usa competition, had traveled to the UAE with his brother on May 25th hoping to generate luxurious content in the city of gold. I guess he's the influencer. During their trip, the brothers spent a night out at nightclub blah blah that's the name of the nightclub blah blah before they were approached by an Uber driver who offered to take them to an after party at a nearby hotel hello red flag. I thought women were dense in this, but apparently young men are dense in this as well. Where, where are your brains? Oh, that's right, they're drunk on alcohol. You idiots, these young people, man, you know, study up and read the news and see what's going on in the world. You may go finish reading that it's. Oh wait, there's one story I did want to get, not one story, but there's part of the oh.

Speaker 1:

Lawyers for the brothers expect a lengthy sentence for those charges, with the organization calling the jails some of the world's most notorious prisons, all because you wanted to go on vacation and create content for your social media platforms. I don't get it. I don't get it. I'm not saying you can't go on vacation, but why would you want to go on vacation there? No, thank you, no, thank you, okay. Question of the day Hold up, hold up, hold up. I forgot. I wanted to tell you this before I get to the question of the day.

Speaker 1:

We uh Wilted Lily from X. Her name is Robin. We did an X space yesterday. We've been wanting to do one together for a while and she invited this young man that she met at a Trump rally. So Robin does volunteer work at her local GOP facility office there and so she gets, I guess, trump rally tickets to go and she went to this latest one that where she was and she was asked to go. She wasn't going to go because she's already been to one, but she was asked to go to help with the elderly people that wanted to go. So she went for that reason. But she's sitting there in this aisle and this young man comes and sits next to her and they strike up a conversation and he tells her that he drove 15 hours from Texas over to this. Wherever they are, this rally it's North Carolina, south Carolina, I can't remember, but he drove 15 hours to go to this rally.

Speaker 1:

He's a painter, he's an artist Excuse me, an artist and he made this gigantic oil painting of the you know of the scene where, right after he, trump was shot and he got up and he lifted his fist and he had blood on his face, the American flag is in the background, the secret service are surrounding him and he's standing up, you know, with his hand fist in the air, saying fight, fight, fight. Well, that's the image that he painted in this oil painting. And he oh my gosh, he drove 15 hours to be there, oh my gosh, he drove 15 hours to be there gave the painting to whoever it needed to go to, and after the rally, trump invites him backstage and talks to him, and he had. You know this, enrique is his name, enrique, and he has this video out on his twitter. So after the rally, I guess Robin met up with him again, enrique, as they were leaving to go to their cars, and Enrique told her all about it and he shared the video with her and so that's out there on Twitter. It's pinned to her X-File. I've shared it a couple times. Well, anyway, during the space yesterday, lily invites I call her Lily, her name is Robin she invites Enrique into our space and he shows up so he gets to talk to us about his experience meeting Trump.

Speaker 1:

He's an immigrant that's here legally, did it the right way, came to America from Cuba nine years ago. He's a young man, so he must have come here when he was a kid or a teenager, maybe, but he looks very young, so nine years ago he was probably a child or a teenager. His family's here. They live in Texas, but that's what he does. You go to his Instagram account. It's T-U-R painting. I think. I've also shared that on my Twitter account too. Very beautiful work.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, he is so humble and so grateful. He talked about how, when he got here to America it was just the way he said it he said, yeah, you know, you can find anything in America. You've got your paint, you can find the painting and the and your brushes and stuff. And I just it struck me how much we Americans or I should say I take for granted I shouldn't talk for everybody how much I take for granted what I can't. I can get up and go to Walmart and buy some art brushes. We're over in Cuba. They he can't, probably can't find anything or do anything like that. Oh my gosh. So anyway, he loves this country. He's so grateful to be here. Go listen to this space. He comes in at about 20-25 minutes after we've started so you can fast forward through all of that if you'd like to get to his part of it. It's amazing, it's amazing. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now question of the day. I also think it would be kind of cool if he were to somehow get in contact with the Blaze, pat Gray, keith Malinak, glenn Beck. You know, glenn Beck is an artist. It would be kind of cool if they would bring him on to some show or interview him, even for an article or something for blaze media, because he lives there in texas. He's a legal, he is a legal immigrant and a beautiful artist. The blaze needs to get in contact with him. He met the damn president. I mean, come on, all right, I'm sorry. Now I promise.

Speaker 1:

Question of the day what kind of soap do you use? We have taken to buying this brand called Mistral M-I-S-T-R-A-L. My husband started getting it for himself. They have like a lot of manly scents, like bourbon and whatever tobacco, and they smell really good and they're large, gigantic bars of soap and they last forever. And I love the's. They smell really good and they're large, gigantic bars of soap and they last forever, and I love the way they smell. And they also have women's scents too. So we recently bought some new women's women's soaps for me.

Speaker 1:

Uh, one of my favorite ones is gardenia. I love the smell of gardenias. But mr sean's has recommended some soap to me too. I'm going to get some of. That is for, uh, inflammatory, anti-inflammatory type thing, good for your skin. It's black African soap, so I'm going to get some of that too. Um, I probably just buy it from Amazon, okay. So what kind of soap do you use? That's what I want to know. That's the question of the day. All right, I have to go. Thank you for listening and I will be back tomorrow.

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