Carol ReMarks

Politicians' Promises, Tattoo Records, and Skincare Secrets: A Dive into Diverse Stories

August 23, 2024 Carol Marks


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Speaker 1:

Hello, happy Friday. Yay, we made it through the week. We made it through the Democratic National Convention as well. So, little Miss Kamala, kamala, Kamala or, as like Bill Clinton has said, kamala. Oh, my goodness gracious, only Bill can get away with stuff like that, right, okay?

Speaker 1:

Um, so she gave her little speech last night and it was just full of platitudes, captions, sound bites, nothing really with any meat in it or or substance. Uh, it's all the same old crap. We will provide, we will provide, we will provide. And the gent pointed out that sounds like socialism to me. Uh, when the government wants to provide everything. No, thank you. Okay, I'm not going to say any more about it. You're going to hear a lot about it today all over the mainstream media, everywhere, so you'll get your fill of it there. But if you want to read a different perspective, go over to the Victory Girls blog. Nina has our Victory Girl. Nina has a her perspective on the speech, which is always very good and biting. I love it. So that's out there on the blog.

Speaker 1:

Also, I guess JFKJ wait, rfkj is going to Robert F Kennedy Jr is going to give an announcement. I wrote on it the other day at the Victor Girls blog how Nicole Shanahan went on this podcast and talked about their options and how it's either stay in the race and try to form a party, which would be terrible, I guess. I mean I don't know. I don't know how I feel about that, but it would definitely take votes away from Trump. Or she said we can drop out, drop out, join forces with Trump to beat Kamala, and I'm like, yes, do that. All right. So we're going to see what that is going to be all about. All right, we're going to move on to what I have, that I have three topics not political related at all. We have an army vet with forked tongue and pierced genitals breaks world record of 99 of body tattoos. We have a woman roasted on claiming this popular activity is the most unattractive hobby a man can have, and you guys may be may be familiar with this. It's miss liz wheeler from the blaze. When she put this out on Twitter the other night, I saw it when it came through I was like, oh boy, she is going to get blasted. And the other topic is I named my daughter after a piece of furniture and have major regrets. Let's start off with the tattoo woman, since that kind of falls under the glamour type thing, I guess, if you want to call it that, she's not very glamorous. If you go over to my X-File, click on the article. It has pictures of her before and after. She's quite hideous Looks like Satan, if you ask me.

Speaker 1:

I'm not opposed to tattoos at all. I have them, okay. I know something tucker said yesterday. He was on the megan kelly show and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way because he talked about doug imhoff's daughter. He said boy, you let your daughters get tattooed like that. It tells you what kind of parent you are. I'm like, oh, I don't know about that, because a lot of people have tattoos.

Speaker 1:

Okay, moving on, inked army vet with forked tongue and pierced genitals breaks world record with 99.9% of body tattooed. A Connecticut Army vet has taken home two Guinness World Records after inking and modifying 99.98% of her body and is still carving out space for more. Oh, okay, this is her name. You ready? It's not a normal name, of course. People don't have normal names anymore. Her name is Esperance Luminaska Furenzina. I'm sure I am butchering that, so we will just call her Esper Officially became the most tattooed woman and the woman with the most body modifications in history as part of a decade-long project yeah, that's some project that saw her tattoo her eyeballs and eject scale-like implants in her scalp.

Speaker 1:

This is gross. She tattooed her eyeballs. I thought they were maybe contact lenses. How can you tattoo an eyeball? I don't really think. I want to know the answer. That she looks awful, very scary, looking horrible, horrible.

Speaker 1:

I think it is obvious. I'm not trying to adhere to traditional beauty standards, honey. You're not trying to trying to, uh, adhere to any kind of standards, and that could be both. I wonder what she does for a living. If she does anything, all right, sorry. And that could be both liberating and also something many people don't understand and can be negative about. Yes, well, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Oh goodness, according to the new record holder, her body represents a moving canvas that allows the theme of turning darkness into beauty. No, I think you did the opposite. I think you turned beauty into darkness. That's what I think. This is.

Speaker 1:

That artwork includes ink on your tongue, gums, eyeballs and even her genitals oh, I would hate to be her tattoo artist, excuse me. And even her genitals oh, I would hate to be her tattoo artist. Excuse me, but esper didn't stop there. She also boasts 89 body alterations, including 15 subdermal implants, a forked tongue, nipple removal, oh-mm. And 18 genital piercings.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you something I, a long time ago, long, long, long, long time ago my kids were very little I went to see about getting a breast reduction and let me tell you, after I had my consult with the doctor, the surgeon, I walked out of there confidently that I'm like no, I don't want that. Because he told me. He said well, you know, we remove the nipples, we set them aside on the plate next to you and then we da-da-da-da, and then we reattach the nipples and sometimes you may not have feeling in it. After that I got up and said thank you very much, goodbye, no, thank you, all right. The army vet, uh, narrowly won over the previously most tattooed. Okay, I'm not going to get down to that. You can go check that out. Finish reading that for yourself, if it's so, if you so inclined, all right.

Speaker 1:

The next step we're going to talk about liz wheeler from the blaze. She's fine. She's kind of a new addition to the Blaze. She's very pretty. I love her hair. I need that wig. I need her hair in a wig. Okay, not her hair, but you know what I mean. Okay, this is from the New York Post. Y'all, she made it into the New York Post. It's game over for guys with this hobby.

Speaker 1:

A blonde beauty has caused controversy by claiming that playing video games is the most unattractive hobby a man can have. Liz Wheeler, a right-wing commentator, made the polarizing proclamation on Exxon Monday with a post that has choked up more than clocked up sorry, clocked up more than 18 million views and plenty of backlash. This is 100% true. Wheeler wrote above graph titled least attractive hobbies for men according to women. Well, okay, there's nothing wrong with having an opinion. The graph, which was made as a joke by an unnamed creator, showed that playing video games came ahead of collecting figurines, building model trains and comic book collection in terms of activities that gave gals the ick. Men, playing video games is peak, unattractive. Wheeler added, beyond red flag like deal-breaker zone. It's weird that so many dudes don't get this and it includes the graph.

Speaker 1:

Well, while the graph may not have been based on actual stats, the commentator stuck to her guns, saying she believed it to be true. There's nothing wrong with her believing that it's true. You know, I think if I was a young lady and I was trying to be out there dating but the guy all he wanted to do was play video games, I might have to say bye-bye. I don't think it would be very. I don't think I would like it, wheeler. Subsequently, I grew up in a different era, though. Keep that in mind. Wheeler subsequently shared a follow-up video on YouTube reiterating her claim, saying video games, even if you like them, shouldn't be your identity. If you feel that I have somehow shanked your identity, which I haven't, that's on you, because part of your identity is with video games.

Speaker 1:

The beauty continued, an observation of human nature, a cultural observation that women just don't like. When men play video games, we just don't find it attractive. She declared. That's just an objective observe, and I have to kind of agree with her. I don't you know whatever. Okay, I'm gonna move on. You can go finish reading that over there. And then our last topic. This is kind of funny. I don't even know if it's true, it's kind of hilarious. She said this is from the New York Post.

Speaker 1:

I named my daughter after a piece of furniture and I have major regrets. I don't think she has regrets about naming her daughter. She has regrets about telling her daughter how she came up with the name. A mom is having major regrets after confessing to her adult daughter that uninspiring inspiration behind her unusual first name. This is funny. I feel like I made bad choices because I just told my daughter how we came up with her name and now she hates me.

Speaker 1:

The woman says on the tragedy Reddit thread when I was 22, her dad and I were laying in bed right after we found out we were having a girl. We were trying to think of names. I looked over at a lamp and jokingly said what about shade? And for some reason he loved it and it kind of stuck. I guess it did stick. So I named her that, except I spelled it S-H-A-I-D-E, of course you did.

Speaker 1:

After 25 years of assuming there was a more romantic story to her unique name, the daughter found out whilst in labor that she was in fact named after a bedroom furniture and she was not happy. Oh my gosh, now that it is too late to go back on the name's origins, the op asks the forum whether she made a mistake and most people in the hundreds of comments agreed that yes. Maybe she did well telling a kid they're named after. Something totally mundane does kind of remove the mystique from an unusual name, says the commentator. Oh my gosh, you can go over and finish reading that. It's a. There's a lot more to the article. If you would like to finish reading that, you know where it is. Okay, we need to come.

Speaker 1:

Oh, first of all, how did I name my kids? Well, I will tell you real quickly. When I had my daughter, I call her Gracie. That is her middle. Her middle name is actually Grace, but I call her Gracie. And when I named her her name, her first name is Catherine. She's named after my grandmother, so her name is Catherine Grace. But I knew when I named her that I was going to call her Gracie. I knew that because when I was working I had an office mate and she always talked about her mother, or I think it was her grandmother, and she always called and her name was Gracie and I was like I love that name and this was back in 1995. Not a lot of people were doing it back then Gracie, and I said I need that name for my daughter. So I named her. I named her Catherine Grace, knowing that I was going to call her Gracie and that's what I call her Gracie.

Speaker 1:

And then my son. He's named after his father, and so that's pretty, that's pretty basic. You know, that's what people do with their kids name them after other people. All right, except for this lady. She named him after furniture, after lampshades. All right, except for this lady. She named him after furniture after lampshades. All right.

Speaker 1:

Before we get to the question of the day, I would like to thank Mr Sean's for the lovely soaps that he sent the gent and I. I love it. I used it last night for the first time and this morning, oh my gosh, I love it. It smells good, it's good. My skin doesn't feel irritated, it's very. It feels like an anti-inflammatory type soap and it smells really good. I love it. So thank you, mr Sean's, for the lovely soap.

Speaker 1:

Black African soap, and then the. I forgot what the other one was. It's from Dr Squatch, I think it is Pine something. I think it smells really good too. I haven't tried it, but I started off with the black African, the African black soap, black African soap. Thank you so much. I love it. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love how it lathers. It doesn't feel, I don't know. It doesn't feel abrasive or it feels very. I came up the the word that I describe is very kind of creamy, like it's not so much I mean it lathers, but in a very soft, creamy way, and it just feels so good on your skin. All right, and it makes your skin feel good after you get out of the shower. All right. Question of the day what, since we're talking about names, that's my question. How did you come up with the names for your children? And if you don't have children, how do you think you got your name? Or do you know how you got your name? Uh, so, anyway, that's the question of the day. All right, we gotta go the gents and I will be back tomorrow. Thank you for listening.

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