Carol ReMarks

Kamala Interview Predictions & Range Rover Romp

August 29, 2024 Carol Marks


Curious about the cosmetic surgeries that could put your health at risk? Find out why eye color change surgery carries a shocking 92% risk of complications and learn about the dangers of thigh lifts and Brazilian butt lifts through real-life stories and expert insights. Plus, stay tuned for an intriguing preview of the upcoming CNN interview between Kamala Harris and Tim Walls, as we unpack the potential dynamics and ramifications of their conversation.

Switching gears, we tackle the challenge of urban gardening in limited spaces. If you've ever dreamt of growing your own tomatoes on a back patio but felt overwhelmed by the obstacles, this segment is for you. We discuss the pros and cons of raised garden beds and share practical advice for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. We also invite you to share your gardening experiences and aspirations. Your engagement fuels our content, and we can't wait to bring you more exciting topics tomorrow.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and good morning. Welcome, one and all. Okay, I have a question for you. Have you been enjoying the content that I have been providing, the topics? Are they too graphic? Are they too gross? I don't know. Let me know what you think about that. Would you rather me go back to mainstream politics? Would you rather me keep going with kind of oddball? I don't know, let me know what. Let me know your thoughts. Do you like the content or would you like more light-hearted stuff? I don't know. All right, but I do have some things for you today. And we are going to start off with oh boy, where'd it go? Here we go.

Speaker 1:

All right, we're going to start off with the most dangerous cosmetic surgeries revealed. One has a 92% risk of complications from the New York Post. I guess this can fall under my glam category, the New York Post. I guess this can fall under my glam category. People will go to what the extents, what lengths they'll go to to look better or look what they look. I don't know. Well, this is not an uplifting news, and how it starts oh my gosh, really. This is from the New York Post. So of course it starts out like that americans can't get enough of cosmetic procedures, which increased five percent in 2023 over the previous year, according to a report from the american society of plastic surgeons. All procedures carry risk, but one in particular comes with a staggering 92 likelihood of complications, new research finds. Now I didn't know that you could change the color of your eyes, but apparently you can with surgery.

Speaker 1:

Eye color change surgery, which includes cosmetic iris implants, laser pigment removal and carotop pigmentation, tops the list of the 10 most dangerous cosmetic surgeries. Oh, my goodness, look, I have other things that I would worry about than my eye color. You know, contact lenses can change the color of your eyes. Hello Goodness, these people must not have anything else better to do with their money, with recovery times ranging from one to eight weeks and an average cost of $12,000. The researchers from the online eyewear retailer Overnight Glasses say patients are rolling the dice with their eyesight. I guess so. Dice with their eyesight? I guess so.

Speaker 1:

In keratop pigmentation, which is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, a laser is used to create a tunnel in the cornea to place the color pigment. Is this, I don't know? Oh, a French company that trains ophthalmologists to perform keratot pigmentation shared footage last year of a woman who changed her brown eyes to a stark, vibrant blue in a clip scoring nearly 30 million views on TikTok. Of course, frickin' TikTok, I swear. Well, you can go on and finish that, but we need to move on to other topics. I did not know that that was a thing, that you could change the color of your eyes. I'm trying to see, though, when they get to the risk, the risks uh, let's see. Told them it's a bad, oh, here we go.

Speaker 1:

Dr colin mccannell, a professor of clinical ophthalmology at the university of california, los angeles, told healthline that it's a bad idea to pursue to pursue any unnecessary eye surgery due to the risk and complications. Look, there's a risk and complications to everything. Okay, other patient uh, potentially dangerous cosmetic procedures they don't tell us what they. Okay, whatever there's thigh lifts, what there's a thigh lift you can do. Took the number two slot on the overnight glasses list with a 78% risk of complications such as blood clots, infection and altered skin sensation. The celeb, beloved Brazilian butt lift came in at number three with a 38% risk. Problems that can arise include fat cells entering the bloodstream and traveling to the lungs or brain infection, nerve damage and swelling and scars. Last year, a woman on TikTok claimed that she was traumatized by her Brazilian butt lift, comparing the feeling of getting beaten up to 20 by 20 gorillas.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, we're. That's all of that one. We're going to move on to the next podcast topic that I put out on my ex. Well, there we go. Well, I want to talk about, uh, the. I want to talk about for a minute the Tim Walls, or the Kamala Tim Walls interview. Tonight she has agreed to sit down with Dana Bash, cnn. We know the story. It's going to be recorded. Blah, blah, blah. It'll air tonight and she's going to have Tim Walls with her.

Speaker 1:

Now the internet is all abuzz with saying about. Well, she needs her support person there so he can be there for her cover in case she gets off track. He'll come in and swoop and save her. Blah, blah, blah. Look, that is not going to happen. You are not going to have, in the times we live in today, you are not going to have an old white man interrupt a black woman talking to correct her or to try to get her back on track. Nope, not going to happen. In fact, since it is recorded, I would not be surprised if they don't set it up to where she will have to correct him, uh, on something that he may be talking, and she'll have to interrupt him and say no to him, blah, blah. You know it'll be something like that. It may not be that, uh, obvious, but it'll be something like that. Also, I think they have him on there with her tonight because he's such an idiot, fool-looking person. It's to make him look more presidential because if she wins, he will be second in line. Let that sink in. What do we know about him besides his communism and other things? But he will be second in line. This Froot Loop which Laura calls him. He's more than a fruit loop, though. Okay, I'm trying to stay on track here. They have him on the interview with her to make him look more presidential and official and serious, because she is the current vice president. It's just for looks, I think. But yeah, he is not there to swoop in and save her from anything. Let me tell you that right now that is not going to happen, but I am going to stay up and watch it. We'll see. We shall see, all right.

Speaker 1:

Moving on to the next podcast topic, I thought I had more in here. I just didn't label them. That's what it is All right, so I just didn't label them. That's what it is all right. So DOJ continues to target non-violent pro-lifers with two new face act cases. That's from the life site news. I'm just reading the headlines on these. You can go over there and check them out if you would like.

Speaker 1:

This ex-politician found guilty of murder in Vegas reporters stabbing death, sentenced to life in prison. This is from cnncom actually. Now you probably heard about this story a while ago. Uh, so a jury has sentenced Robert Tellis, a former Nevada politician found guilty of fatally fatally stabbing a Las Vegas investigative reporter, to life in prison with eligibility for parole after a minimum of 20 years. This Telus guy he's a former Clark County public administrator was convicted in the September 22nd death of Jeff German, and Jeff German was a longtime Las Vegas Review Journal reporter. In a trial that highlighted concerns around press safety. The jury found the murder was willful, deliberate and premeditated. Tellis faced three possible sentences, with the minimum being 50 years in prison and the maximum being life in prison without parole. During Wednesday's penalty phase, german's siblings spoke about their brother and how his death impacted their lives.

Speaker 1:

I want to get down to so. German wrote about corruption in Las Vegas there, and I guess this Telus guy didn't like it. He was 60, german, was 69 years old and wrote about the underbelly of Sin City and had covered mobsters, crooked officials and corrupt government agencies in an ink-stained life. Yet prosecutors said it was his coverage of a little-known office run by an elected county official that led to the murder. German had written about allegations of wrongdoing by the Clark County Public Administration office and so, yeah, this guy Tellus didn't like that.

Speaker 1:

There's more to the story. If you would like to go read that, you know where it is. Oh, I know what it was. Where did my topic go? I think it got buried. This is a Jeffy story for sure, and I'm sure he's going to cover it in his Fat Five on Pat today, probably. Where did it go? Oh, here it is here. It is All right, you ready. If it isn't covered on Fat Five, it'll be in his podcast for sure. If it isn't covered on Fat Five, it'll be in his podcast for sure.

Speaker 1:

Philly couple getting busy in Range Rover accidentally roll into river after they hit gear stick while in the back seat Someone's got a lot of explaining to do to their spouse. It was gearing up to be a disaster climax. That's the first sentence up to be. A disaster climax. That's the first sentence these writers at the New York Post I swear.

Speaker 1:

A couple getting busy in their car nearly ended in tragedy after their SUV rolled into a Philadelphia river in the middle of the night. While they were in the back seat, the lovebirds were having sex in a 2020 Range Rover rover. I love how they put the year of the range rover in there. Like that's important. Near the school schoolville river in fairmont park around 4 15 am on wednesday when one of their limbs bumped into. When one of their limbs bumped into the suv gear stick, police said 4.15 am. I was up and getting ready for work. Moments later, the Range Rover tumbled over the edge and sank into the water about two miles from Philadelphia City Hall. The unidentified couple jumped out of the SUV before the vehicle hit the water, thank goodness and plummeted beneath the surface. Neither were injured during the incident. Police told NBC 10 they suspect the couple were getting busy when the freak mishap occurred. The Range Rover was lugged out of the river at around 9 am.

Speaker 1:

Someone's got a lot of explaining to do to their spouse. 4 or 15 am in the morning One. Why aren't you in a hotel room if it's like that, if it's that kind of thing. Number two it's 4 or 15 in the morning and you're having sex in the car. This is not normal, typical married behavior. I don't think. Maybe they just needed some spice in their life. If they are married, which I doubt that they are, come on, I doubt it. That's definitely a Jeffy story. Look for that from him. I'm sure he's going to cover that. He'll probably have better commentary than I will. All right, I think that's it I've got. That's all I've got for this morning, except we need the question of the day.

Speaker 1:

Okay, question of the day. Do you have a garden? And if you do have one, what's in it? What do you plant? Well, what is in your garden? If you like vegetables, flowers, what is it? What kind of garden do you have? If you have one? And if you don't have one and would like one, what was, what would be the first thing you'd plant in your garden?

Speaker 1:

Down here in the South, I guess we'd have to plant tomatoes. I don't know. I would like to start one, but that's a lot of freaking work and I don't know that I'm up for it. We don't have a backyard. We have like a back patio. That's all we have. But I know that you can do raised. There's ways that you can do it. You could do raised gardens and all that stuff. I don't know. I don't know. What do you think? What do you think? I would like to do it, but then again it's like that's a lot of work and I really don't know what I'm doing either. So the question of the day do you have a garden? If so, what's in it? If you don't have a garden and would like one, what would you plant in your garden? That's it. Okay, I gotta go. Thanks for listening to me ramble on about crap. I appreciate you guys listening and sharing out my content. I really do, and I will be back again tomorrow. Have a good one.

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