Carol ReMarks

Weekend Laughs and Sports: Spotlight on 'Kingpin' and Fun Discussions

September 07, 2024 Carol Marks


Have you ever bought an ice cream cake only to discover it’s just a block of decorated, flavored ice? We share this hilariously disappointing experience as part of our chat about personal responsibility and consumer awareness. Kick off your weekend with our cheerful morning greetings and a conversation about the beautiful weather, perfect for a stroll in the park. We can’t contain our excitement for the Texas vs. Michigan game, especially with Texas now in the SEC. Plus, we tease some thought-provoking political content, including questions about a recent FBI raid.

Our movie theme shines the spotlight on hilarious sports comedies, with “Kingpin” taking center stage. Featuring SNL legends Bill Murray, Woody Harrelson, and Randy Quaid, we delve into why this film should be on your must-watch list. We also have a blast discussing our favorite sports movies, from the basketball classic "Hoosiers" to hidden gems that our listeners recommend. Before wrapping up with spirited shout-outs to "Go Dawgs" and "Hook 'em Horns," we pose our engaging question of the day: "What is your favorite sports movie?" Join us for a fun and thoughtful episode packed with laughter, sports talk, and more!

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Speaker 1:

Hello, good morning, happy Saturday.

Speaker 2:

Good morning one and all Beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what is it? Is it going to be nice today? Is it going to be decent weather Every?

Speaker 2:

day is a nice day. No rain, you know, I don't think we have much chance of rain. I think it's maybe a little bit overcast, but it's going to be cool like high, like 84, 83. Oh nice. And we're going to go down into the 50s tonight 4.83.

Speaker 1:

Oh nice, and we're going to go down into the 50s tonight.

Speaker 2:

Oh, get out of here. I cannot. I'm serious.

Speaker 1:

I might take Cameron to the park then.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he loves the park. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely, yeah, there's some big football games on today as well. Okay, the one matchup that I'm looking forward to is Texas and Michigan, because I don't like Michigan and I don't particularly. You know, texas has not been one of my go-to teams, but it's also not one team I don't like, but it's now an SEC team, so I have to follow it. So I want Michigan to just get the ever-living crap beat out of them because I don't think they really have.

Speaker 2:

They won the national championship last year. Yay, michigan did. Yeah, yay, congratulations, you know, go blue and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

No, michigan is big Ohio State. Yes, I understand that.

Speaker 2:

But I'm saying, you know, just for them. You know, yay, go blue, all that stuff. But I think they got a little easy path to that thing and you know I'll recognize it in name but I don't know if I'll recognize it in true deserving honor. So I'm hoping Texas beats the hell out of Michigan today. That'd be a great start to the day. But yeah, it's going to be a good day.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, you got anything on your mind you want to talk about in this bonus content on the weekends with the June.

Speaker 2:

One thing that comes to mind is we've got all these lawyers out there and everybody's at fault. Nobody takes responsibility anymore. And there's a thing that it's a Latin phrase, caveat emptor. It's buyer beware, let the buyer beware. You know, because it's part of your responsibility if you go to buy something, that you look at it and you you know, I know they're fair, fair action. You can't swindle somebody and all that stuff. But as a consumer you should do your research and you should figure it out. And if you do buy something that you know is not what you're thinking it is, well then you don't buy it the second time or you do a little bit more research the next time. And you know, last night I was after we ate dinner we went to the store because we had a little sweet tooth going on. We usually have a little sweet tooth on Saturday night or Friday night.

Speaker 2:

Every night, mostly on Friday nights.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we don't act on it until the weekend, though.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so we went to the store. Sweetheart over here wanted some ice cream and I wanted something cakey, cookie-ish, you know, but I also wanted some ice cream. So I went for the best of both worlds and I got the ice cream cake.

Speaker 1:

That was on my suggestion.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no no, I fully accepted it because I thought you know, hey, it's not your fault. So I fully accepted it and I was like, okay, yeah, this is going to be really good and it looked good.

Speaker 1:

What you originally thought about getting was just an ice cream sandwich. Right, and get an ice cream sandwich, yeah yeah, absolutely Klondike. And then I thought oh we're back.

Speaker 2:

Klondike makes a. And just remember, folks, that when you get an ice cream cake, you're basically getting molded ice cream that looks in the shape of a cake Because there ain't no cake to it.

Speaker 2:

It's just molded ice cream With a little whipped cream around the edge and some sprinkled, you know, whatever. I got an oreo on mine but it'll sprinkled oreo and a big old oreo cookie in the middle. That's just, you know, half of an oreo cookie, that you know. When you cut it you get like one-eighth of a part of the one, half of the cookie, part of the cookie onto your ice cream, which really, you know, if you buy, uh, oreo ice cream you get a lot more oreos in the ice cream than you do the ice cream cake.

Speaker 1:

So, buyer, buyer, caveat after buyer beware the buyer you mean you're not going to sue the company that promotes it as a cake?

Speaker 2:

I'm not a litigant. I wouldn't do that unless it really caused me mental distress. Nowadays, mental distress, you can go out and do pretty much anything, get away with it. Let's just look around at what's going on in the world and you'll see that. Today, goodness gracious, let's go break all the laws, and you'll see that today, goodness gracious, you know, let's go break all the laws and, oh, that's okay, pat you on the head, rub you on the belly and send you back out to do more of it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But really anyway, especially when you're going to buy ice cream cake, remember that you're really just getting molded ice cream. Yeah, and that's my thing for the day.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, we're five minutes in.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll tell you what you know. That's a pretty big thing.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:

What do you got on your mind?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I've always got politics on my mind, okay Headlines and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Let me get a sip of coffee. I know, I know, I know I'm ready for it, though.

Speaker 1:

There's so many things Like. I had so many questions about the FBI raid on the New York City police commissioner and some higher up titled people, and then how come the press isn't all over this?

Speaker 2:

Let me ask one question before we go into that Is that an appointed position or is it an elected? You know, I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

okay, go ahead I think it's appointed by the mayor. I think eric adams, which he's, he's, he'd be. He's being looked at too, but for different reasons they're all crooked, but yeah, go ahead well know, and the media is being kicked out. They're not allowed to talk to anybody. I'm like, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

They're in coats with them too.

Speaker 1:

The media.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, with the politicians.

Speaker 1:

Well, but the reporters are being kicked out. The New York City Police Department had put them in a trailer outside somewhere, and then they kicked one of the reporters out because she asked a question. It's like what in the world.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I mean, you know, some reporters are trying to do their jobs and when they do their jobs they get kicked out. So you know, I don't know. To me it's just an example of the bigger government that's happening, yeah absolutely you know, absolutely so.

Speaker 2:

We don't trust the police force in new york city. Well, maybe we trust it's again. We probably trust the policemen, but we don't trust the police chief or act. You know higher up activities in there, and then we don't trust the police chief. Or you know higher-up activities in there, and then we don't trust the mayor, because he appointed them, and then we don't trust the FBI who's investigating the police department, I know.

Speaker 2:

So is it? You know we're going consider, we're just, yeah, going down the wormhole of conspiracy theories. So is it a power struggle between the fbi, the press and right the police department yeah who has the power?

Speaker 1:

and maybe that's why nobody's reporting on it, because nobody cares.

Speaker 2:

Or they have to be quiet because the CIA could get involved. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Do we even have a CIA?

Speaker 2:

I don't know anymore.

Speaker 1:

They've been really quiet, haven't they? Yeah, I don't hear much about the CIA.

Speaker 2:

You know they're all under scrutiny for all the things they're doing.

Speaker 1:

So is the CIA equivalent to the KGB?

Speaker 2:

or the M, whatever it is over there, m6, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So they're more like a foreign affairs type spy people.

Speaker 2:

They would be more foreign affairs. Fbi would be national, domestic, domestic right, all right.

Speaker 1:

All of these agencies Now. Do you think we need an FBI or a CIA, or the Department of Education or the IRS? Do you think we need all of that?

Speaker 2:

We need the FBI and the CIA. I don't think we need a Department of Education the FBI and the CIA, I don't think we need a Department of Education. But I also think that a lot of that needs to be trimmed down. Yeah, it's been.

Speaker 2:

Reorganized it's something I've been saying for you know years and years and years, that and everybody knows it, but nobody, you know, politicians know it, but they all look away from it is that you know, budgetary-wise, you know we're throwing away billions of dollars, trillions of dollars, every year on a budget that is just out of control, with a bureaucracy that's out of control. You know, with the tax money we're paying into it, we could have a military. This country could be so much greater than it is, but so many people are giving away so much money to countries that don't give a shit about us. Let's just start with one thing that people may argue with. One thing you know that people may argue with but uh, and there's so many because so many of my brain just goes crazy. But the one hot topic would be how many billions of dollars did they set aside for charging stations and how many charging stations do we have?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We've got I think they said eight and four don't work Of all the billions of dollars they set aside. But one of the reasons that they aren't getting built is because written into this law were so many regulations about who got the contracts and how they could implement the contracts and the way the contracts would be given that they can't even give away the money because there aren't companies qualified because of the regulations they put into them to do this. So you know, here comes trump. For every regulation we create, we're going to get rid of five. That's a brilliant idea. Yeah, you know that that opens up and it starts to let things flow, but that's just. That's the government.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's, I don't know. You said there's eight, Alabama has four of them, but now that may be privately.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, those were privately built. Yeah, we're talking about government built, and all of them are in the Midwest and there were like eight of them, and that's it. So come on, man.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, it's game day. What are you most excited? Oh, you already told us the game you're looking forward to, yes, the. Texas and.

Speaker 2:

Michigan, texas and Michigan.

Speaker 1:

Now, which Texas is this?

Speaker 2:

The University of Texas.

Speaker 1:

Not Texas A&M. No, so, ted, these are the what the Longhorns, the Longhorns okay, burn Orange and White out of Austin, texas.

Speaker 2:

Okay, absolutely. So you know, I mean, like I said, the reason I'm pulling for them. There are two reasons. Number one, they're now in the SEC, yeah. And number two, they're playing.

Speaker 1:

Michigan, yeah, so are they any good?

Speaker 2:

They're ranked number three.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So Georgia one, ohio State two, texas three, and I believe that we play Alabama in three weeks and then in about five weeks we play Texas. Georgia does.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I'm hoping, you know, texas wins all their games and the hype's so big and blah, blah, blah and then hopefully Georgia can go in and beat Texas, because we've got to play Texas, we've got to play Alabama at Alabama and then we have to play Texas at Texas and that's pretty huge. There are not too many. And if we could win both those games, regardless of what happens the rest of the season, and beat Florida regardless of the rest of the season, the season would be a huge success. So I'm hoping Texas wins so we can hopefully go in and beat them and be more highly thought of what movie we're gonna watch today?

Speaker 2:

that's a very good question. I'll have to look into that. We we did watch a good movie last night yeah I let the jet pick it up.

Speaker 1:

This time we were trying to, since we're done with the marvel movies. I know there's more, but we're done with the end game. To me that's, it's over with. With the end game, we decided to get on a different kick. We tried to look into some things and we decided, maybe why don't we take, like Saturday Night Live, old Saturday Night Live actors or comedians?

Speaker 2:

Chevy Chase Dan Aykroyd Belushi. Pick one of those, eddie Murphy you know. Pick one of those, eddie Murphy, you know.

Speaker 1:

Pick one of those actors or comedians and look at their movies. So I let the JIT handle that yesterday and look and investigate and research and what he came up with.

Speaker 2:

You know, if you look at like John Belushi, you can find basically two movies, 1941 and Animal House. And then he had three, three, just three others. Because of his short career. God bless him. But you know, akroyd and chevy chase and uh, who else? Bill murray, you go look, you go look at those three.

Speaker 1:

We'll go with those three first you go, look at those three.

Speaker 2:

We'll go with those three first. You go, look at those three and they've got movies from Timbuktu to Siam, to the coast of Alaska.

Speaker 1:

And it could be just a cameo or a small part like. Dan Aykroyd in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like Dan Aykroyd in Indiana Jones. Temple of Doom? No, it wasn't Temple of Doom, was it? No, it was Temple of Doom. No, it wasn't. No, it was.

Speaker 1:

The one with the white girl singer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know what that is. Yeah, that was Temple of Doom. Yeah, it was Temple of Doom. And he has a cameo appearance where he's the guy putting them on the plane Lao Shea's plane to send them off to their death. But of course he doesn't know it, he's just getting them a charter out of there. But in all honesty, I didn't even know it was him until we looked it up. It was like holy cow, that's him. But anyway, there are just tons of them. So I decided, well, I went through all the lists and started looking at movies and finally I found one that had Aykroyd in it. It was Aykroyd right Last night.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Murray. No, it was Bill Murray. That's right, bill Murray. But I was looking at other characters and movie ratings and all this stuff and other actors and all, and I found one that had Woody Harrelson and him and what's his name.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Murray, bill Murray, and who was the other guy that played in it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, Randy Quaid.

Speaker 2:

Randy Quaid and I thought, well, that'd be good. But it was Kingpin and it was from 1996 or something like that. But it was Kingpin and it was about a bowler who lost his hand. I'm not going to go into why he lost his hand. And then he found a guy who was a good bowler and he was going to take him and teach him how, and then he broke his hand and so he had to learn or get back to where he could bowl and they tried to try to win prize money, yada, yada and so on, so on, so forth. But it was a very, very good movie. It was funny.

Speaker 1:

it, you know, had some good insights to it bill murray was excellent in this movie he was funny, he played a good character and I'm not a bill murray fan, no, but he cracked me up yeah, he did a good job.

Speaker 2:

It was. It was a good movie, um, but we thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it and it was one of those off the beaten track movies that you wouldn't think about. But woody harrelson, of course, is, you know, probably a very he, one of the most underrated actors there is oh, absolutely, absolutely. If you haven't seen, what was that movie? Cold-blooded Killers or something like that.

Speaker 1:

It's a horrible movie.

Speaker 2:

It's a terrible, terrible movie. But he plays the character to the point where you're like, yeah, that's him. He is the killer. I mean, he is that person and what's Her Name was in it. It was real good too, but it's not a movie I suggest you watch all the time. No, it's a movie that I watched and I thought you know, these people scare the hell out of me, so that meant that they were good actors.

Speaker 1:

Why doesn't Woody Harrelson act?

Speaker 2:

anymore. He probably doesn't need to. He said you know I've had enough of this crap. You know you get tired of that. I guess you know some people have to continue on, but some people can just leave it and say I've done enough. You know I've done enough, but anyway, the movie of the night tonight? I'm not sure I'm gonna have to figure out now one thing we're thinking about doing and if y'all want to, if anybody out there wants to lead in or help out and make suggestions, um, we're thinking about going to doing a sports themed movie yes uh thing.

Speaker 2:

Now you know we've got several. You know I know several sports movies that I love, rudy being one. Um that I would continue on with, um, you know that one and money ball and I love sports movies and I don't know why.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever seen b Brian's song?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think so, oh my God, oh my God, Let me just say we will have to pull out all, all of the toilet paper, tissues, everything, because you will be bawling at the end of the movie, you will be crying.

Speaker 1:

I want uplifting movies. Well, this is a very uplifting.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know it's a relationship movie between two guys and how they help each other and how, in the end, one helps the other the most, but he gives the ultimate sacrifice and yeah, it's, it's a great movie. Okay, and you will be bawling at the end of it.

Speaker 1:

All right, but anyway, you can start with that All right, but anyway, if you have any suggestions, we can start with that one and get it out of the way, if you have any suggestions.

Speaker 2:

you know, if you have any suggestions for sports movies, we'll be more than we would really appreciate.

Speaker 1:

Yes, please, all of the suggestions. Please submit your sports movie suggestions, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

That could be any sport. That can be ping pong, golf, hockey suggestions.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, that could be any sport that can be ping pong, golf, hockey, basketball. I'll even watch a basketball Hoosiers. Yeah, that's a pretty good movie. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

There's lots of them out there.

Speaker 1:

Now we're 20 minutes in, so do you have a question of the day? You know what we're just going to keep it real simple what is your favorite sports movie?

Speaker 2:

Question of the day.

Speaker 1:

All right, got to go.

Speaker 2:

Have a great day. Go Dawgs and, I guess, hook them horns.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening.

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