Carol ReMarks
Carol reMarks on glamour, pop culture, and front-page news. Join me. I'm not a traditional podcast. Most of the time I am recording on-the-go with my iPhone voice memo app. Come along with me.
Carol ReMarks
Thanksgiving Traditions, Family Fun, and a Touch of Politics
Remember those heartwarming Thanksgiving mornings filled with the aroma of turkey, the sound of laughter, and the anticipation of family gatherings? That's exactly what we're diving into as we chat about our holiday plans, including our excitement for celebrating at our daughter's house where every family member brings a dish to the table. While we eagerly anticipate the joy of decorating our Christmas tree in a bold red theme, we can't help but reminisce about the classic charm of the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Amidst all the holiday cheer, we also take a moment to reflect on the recent presidential election and its contrasting impacts on different political parties, blending festive warmth with a splash of political thought.
Gratitude takes center stage as we invite you to join us in a celebration of the people and quirky things that brighten our everyday lives. From expressing heartfelt thanks for the loved ones surrounding us, especially having Cameron in our lives, to humorous shout-outs for coffee and the surprisingly handy sock putter-on device, our conversation offers a perfect mix of sincerity and laughter. We even find room for a hopeful note on political developments, wishing for a return of common sense. So, pull up a chair, grab a cup of something warm, and get ready for a delightful blend of family dynamics, holiday traditions, and a sprinkle of political musings, all set to the backdrop of Thanksgiving festivities.
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Hello, good morning, happy Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:Good morning, go Dawgs, and happy Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:Go Dawgs.
Speaker 2:Well, you know that's part of we're in the rivalry part of Thanksgiving too, with all the rivalry games going on.
Speaker 1:Are there football games today?
Speaker 2:There are professional football games and then there are lots of college games tomorrow and Saturday, so it's going to be a great day. Thanksgiving is going to be a great day because I like Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite days.
Speaker 1:Good.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So we're going to go over to the daughter's house. Yeah, absolutely First time going over to the kids' house.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I made that announcement. When was it? We have birthday dinner or something, I don't know, I don't remember. Yeah, I remember I said we were all together doing something. I said it's about time y'all started hosting this stuff, and Gracie said she'd do it. So she's making turkey and I'm bringing all the sides.
Speaker 1:You're bringing three sides.
Speaker 2:Well, three out of four, she's making mashed potatoes and turkey. Right, mashed potatoes, turkey, and I'm doing three sides. And what's Tyler and Ashley bringing?
Speaker 1:They're bringing the pies.
Speaker 2:Bringing the pies. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be good, it's going to be fun. Get Well, I'm looking forward to it, it's going to be good, it's going to be fun. Get to see the cam cam, which is always a blessed thing. We get to hide out, hang out with a lot of what. Are they millennials? Yeah, are they millennials. So we get to have the millennial view today, which will be interesting. It always is. It's always a Not our kids.
Speaker 1:They always is. It's always a Not our kids their friends.
Speaker 2:Right, they have friends that are on the liberal side. We tend to believe ours are on the conservative side. They say they are.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, I know one of them is for sure, yeah, one of them definitely is.
Speaker 2:Anyway, let's move on from that, but it's just fun and I'm thankful for all of that. It's fun, it's a good bunch of kids. Okay, all right, what are you thankful for today?
Speaker 1:Everything my life being here with you, thankful for you, thankful to be upright.
Speaker 2:Yes, absolutely For. Cameron, the kids, everybody's healthy that's true, that's true, that is true, that's a good thing Thankful for Trump is the president-elect.
Speaker 2:Oh Lord, yes, Absolutely. That was one of the things that I, you know, the things we start to notice and that aren't that we don't really look at until they, you know, start to really rear their head. But you know, here, here we go with the party of love and tolerance, the democratic party, how we've already seen the hatred coming out. You know, we're not going to support trump, we're not doing anything, we're not supporting trump. But I never saw the conservative side, when biden came in, yelling and screaming. We're not going to do that, we're going to do everything to boycott, we're not going to go.
Speaker 2:And you know, all of a sudden we hear the death threats and stuff are coming to the cabinet people, like I don't remember death threats coming to any of the Joe Biden's cabinet people, do you? I don't remember that and I don't remember them. You know conservatives going up and down in front of the street of Katonji, jackson Brown's house when she was being nominated to the Supreme Court, but I do remember something about them in front of Brett Kavanaugh's, yes, doing that kind of thing. So you know, so it always seems that, again, what they yell and scream and accuse us of is what they're the ones actually doing. I just you know, more and more examples of that lend themselves to being noticed by both medias. I guess I call it both medias, the one that we trust and the one that we really don't trust. You know what I mean? Yes, absolutely, but what else you got?
Speaker 1:I really don't have any. I love watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Yeah, Since I was a child I loved it. It's on my bucket list to go see it in person and I just love the parade. Now I remember the one year recently it was all woke. Remember the DEI was happening. Oh God, that was a horrible year. The next year seemed to be better, so I'm hoping this year is even better, better, back to normal, Hopefully we shall see.
Speaker 2:I hope so.
Speaker 1:I swear, if they have drag queens and trans people, I will turn it off, whether the Rockettes have come by yet or not.
Speaker 2:Got to see the Rockettes and, of course, the very end. Yes, got to see Santa come in.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely, because that starts the season. It starts.
Speaker 2:Christmas, that's right.
Speaker 1:I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and got all new decorations for our tree and it's all red for our tree and it's all red.
Speaker 2:I wanted to get all red in celebration of trump and the red wave. Right, I'm thinking about that. I gotta order some mega christmas christmas ornaments every single day.
Speaker 1:It's all. It's going to be a red christmas tree. Now the tree itself is green. It's fake. But all of my decorations are red. No, it's not red and black or red and white or red and green, it's red.
Speaker 2:So we've got a green tree and red ornaments.
Speaker 1:Yeah, red, everything is red.
Speaker 2:And that's what I picture Christmas. Green and red, those are the colors I picture Christmas as.
Speaker 1:Well, I got red for a celebration of Trump.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. I was looking on Amazon for, excuse me, it's early in the morning. My beautiful wife woke us up way early in the morning.
Speaker 1:Five o'clock instead of three.
Speaker 2:I say that just because I'm usually the one you know. She's sound asleep and I'm gazing over her shoulder waiting for an eye to open, like the dog. You see the picture of dogs and their owners, or cats and their owners, and they're just staring at them waiting for one eye to open so they can start tearing around. That's usually me. That's usually me.
Speaker 1:That's usually me I thought for me that you were calling me the dog.
Speaker 2:I was gonna be high and upset, but you're the dog, let's see let me say that again eyes to open I'm, I'm like the dog who's laying there waiting for so what part of that did you?
Speaker 1:didn. You didn't say that at first.
Speaker 2:I did too, you did not, I did too.
Speaker 1:Anyway, we could always go back and check.
Speaker 2:Let's do Check the tapes, bruno. So anyway, yeah, yeah, I'm like oh, she's up you up. You want to drink some coffee, are?
Speaker 1:you up, are you?
Speaker 2:up Coffee's ready Are, so that's.
Speaker 1:I'm going to be a guest on Brutally Honest Podcast this Sunday, so that we're looking for that.
Speaker 2:What it all go look Absolutely.
Speaker 1:With John Swank.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry I got the yawns going.
Speaker 1:Me too.
Speaker 2:That's all right too. Yeah, it's. I got to figure out the timing of the day today too, because we're got a little bit of drive, a little bit of a drive to get out to the, and then I've got to make sure that, my not knowing what the oven situation will be, I got to make sure my sides are done and and stay warm the whole way out there so I'm going to inter improvise a heating system system in the back of the car. All right, so it's going to be a good day.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to stress.
Speaker 2:No, you don't need to. There's no stress about it. No, it's going to be fun. Yes, and we get to see their new cat.
Speaker 1:Oh boy, I wonder if she's going to have the dogs out and about running around. Oh Lord, I don't know. Probably, yeah, probably they better settle down is all I have to say. Big jumping on people.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very true, I don't want them jumping up on me, but it'll be what it is. Yeah, I think we've got three football games today. And then one other thing that just stuck in my mind Did you happen to watch the Australian? I guess he was the head of ABC, or Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which is ABC. If you go with the letters like that, get asked the question about Joe Rogan.
Speaker 1:Oh, was that who that was? Yeah, I did see it, but I didn't know who he was. I thought he was a politician or something.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, he was the head of what an arrogant prick. What an arrogant schmuck.
Speaker 1:Absolutely she asked him about the Joe Rogan and why is he so popular. Do you think that's something? Blah, blah, blah and he started to answer. Give his little arrogant answer and he's like I don't really watch.
Speaker 2:And you could hear her say, of course, or something like obvious, or something like that. But the main premise to his answer was that Americans are idiots and someone like Joe Rogan should not even have that forum, and basically he implied that he should be taken off and Americans shouldn't even have the choice of listening to something like that, and that they do listen to him marks how stupid they are and that we need to. You know that that needed to be. Something needed to be done about that yeah, it's like what okay?
Speaker 1:yeah, he pretty much said that if people don't agree with the way he thinks, then they're all conspiracy theorists. Misinformed misinformed shouldn't be on the air.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you know, if you think that's scary. It's like if you think, oh boy, yeah, I'm going to get the hell out of the United States, I'm going to move to Australia. Yeah, well, guess what? You can't own a gun and your broadcasting is going to definitely be censored.
Speaker 1:They are one of the worst, along with Scotland. Now is apparently horrible. England is getting that way. It's horrible over there with their free speech. Yep, there is none. They don't have free speech like we do when we have the Constitution, right, right, but yeah, I mean, that's why we left them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's one of the reasons, absolutely, and that I hate to say it. Well, I don't hate to say it, but that part of the neo, not neo the elitist, we know what's best for you. Coastal elite, we have that over here too. The coastal elites that say we know what's best, that's what they are. They are the coastal elites. They are trying to again, to again remember that's what we escaped when we came from. You know, we call it taxation without representation and all this stuff is what really? But really, the religion thing too, that's gonna say and, and you know, freedom to not express and have religious ideas, and guess what that's? And they're trying to, that's what they're trying to import too.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, I'm thankful that we, yeah, but sharon free speech and sharon stone says we're all idiots because we don't travel and we're uneducated, we don't have passports and we're stupid and young. Exactly, we're all if you we're all infants go, stay over there, there in Italy, with your money.
Speaker 2:Exactly. If you want to stay over there, stay over there. You know, she was only relevant when she spread her leg.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, okay, it's true, I don't want to end the podcast with that nasty nastiness, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:She was nasty.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but everybody loved her when she did it. No, I didn't, because she was young and attractive back then, so everybody loved it. Oh yeah, sharon Stone, oh.
Speaker 2:And we had freedom to express that. You know you may not have that freedom in some other countries, right?
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:And we also have freedoms to go shut up. Lady, you know you were relevant once. You're not relevant now. You know.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:What was that term that we learned last night? I don't know. You know how we did.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh. No, I'm not saying it, I'm golly no. I'm such an old lady nowadays.
Speaker 2:I can't even remember what it was.
Speaker 1:I am a clutching my pearls.
Speaker 2:old lady now I can't even remember what it was. I am a clutching my pearls old lady now I can't even remember and I'm not going to go into it. But they made a comment last night on a Gutfeld show and we both were like what is that? We had to look it up and we looked it up. I looked it up first and I went oh my God, you're going to love this Because it was so perfect the way they said it. It was actually so perfect for the description of what they were talking about. And when I told you you were like oh my God, and started dying laughing.
Speaker 2:Sharon Stone's aged thing You're going into it. I didn't want to go into it. I just said there was a description. But now you're going into her aged thing't want to go into it.
Speaker 1:I just said there was a description but yeah, now you're going into, I'm not gonna not gonna do it, not gonna do it. Her age, let's move on her aged thing you have a question of the day. You know I forgot to ask you what you were thankful for I'm thankful for you, absolutely.
Speaker 2:I'm thankful for us having Cameron. I think it's a wonderful blessing, not only to us but to our kids, and I'm thankful, very thankful, that Trump was elected and it seems like there might be a little bit of common sense coming back into the people. I always said that there was, the common sense was still out there. I just hope that it didn't go away, so hopefully it's coming back. I'm thankful to be able to sit up and take nourishment.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:All right. So the question of the day. I want to do it a couple of different ways. Okay, basically the question of the day, since it is Thanksgiving. What are you thankful?
Speaker 2:for.
Speaker 1:However, you can either go the traditional pat answer with oh, I'm thankful for my health and my family and blah, blah, blah, or do something crazy and off the wall. What are you? Coffee? Are you thankful for coffee? Whoever invented coffee? I'm thankful for toilet paper Silly stuff like that.
Speaker 2:I'm thankful for whoever invented the sock putter on her.
Speaker 1:Sock putter. There you go. See he has this thing he ordered from Amazon. It helps him put on his socks so he doesn't have to bend over.
Speaker 2:Well see, I've got a bad thing in my back a bad joint in my back, whatever, yeah. It's a facet, it's called a facet joint and there's no operation. You can't operate, you know, you've got just management for it. And it makes it very difficult to sit and put on socks. So I got one of those little sock putter on her things and it's really great. So I'm thankful for whoever invented that okay, there you go all right, it's pretty awesome well, we gotta go absolutely have a great thanksgiving and go dogs.