Carol ReMarks
Carol reMarks on glamour, pop culture, and front-page news. Join me. I'm not a traditional podcast. Most of the time I am recording on-the-go with my iPhone voice memo app. Come along with me.
Carol ReMarks
Rivalries on the Field and Seasonal Delights
Ever wonder how a century-old birthday celebration could intertwine with the exhilarating highs of college football? This episode brings you a heartwarming tribute to a beloved mother who would have been 100 this year, her spirit forever cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs. We recount the epic eight-overtime game between Georgia and Georgia Tech, a match that tested resilience and determination, ultimately securing Georgia's spot in the SEC championship. Feel the tension and thrill as we set the stage for upcoming rivalry games like Auburn vs. Alabama and Ohio State vs. Michigan, and don't miss our admiration for the vibrant football culture at Texas A&M, especially their awe-inspiring marching band.
Shift gears with us as we transition from the roar of the stadium to the cozy warmth of family traditions around the holiday season. We invite you to share and reflect on the unique Christmas customs that light up your home each year. From the timeless tales of yuletide celebrations to the cherished rituals that forge deeper connections, this episode promises to leave you pondering the joy and meaning behind these festive practices. Join us for a conversation that blends the relentless spirit of college football with the heartwarming essence of holiday cheer, and walk away with a renewed appreciation for the ways we celebrate both team spirit and family togetherness.
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Hello, good morning, happy Saturday.
Speaker 2:Good morning, happy Saturday.
Speaker 1:This is the last day of November.
Speaker 2:It is Go Dawgs. It is the last day of November. Go Dawgs.
Speaker 1:And tomorrow starts my favorite month of the year.
Speaker 2:December. That is correct. First thing I wanted to do and I forgot about this was give a shout out, just say happy, heavenly birthday to my mother. She would have been 100 years old today, which makes which makes me feel very old now, but she would have been 100 years old today, today's. I'm thinking about you today happy birthday honey birthday and she would have been up late, late, late last night, cheering like hell. She has been sitting there quietly, but cheering like hell, so to speak, for the Georgia Bulldogs last night. Wow as all.
Speaker 1:I can say yeah, that was something else.
Speaker 2:Wow, I mean Georgia Tech just played an outstanding game. They outplayed Georgia, they outcoached Georgia. Every bit of the game was just mystifying to the Georgia players, to the Georgia fans. It was incredible. But the way the with the heart that Georgia had and the you know sheer ability of the team to do it, they came back and won the game in eight. Let me repeat that Eight overtimes.
Speaker 1:That was insane.
Speaker 2:Eight overtimes.
Speaker 1:That was insane.
Speaker 2:Nobody plays eight overtimes.
Speaker 1:You know I watch football with you. You know whatever blah blah blah go dogs. You know I like whatever I like them. But that had me on the edge of my seat and if I was still a nail biter I would have bitten every single one of my nails off. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, oh, I mean, you know, I had given up the ship.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you had.
Speaker 2:Long ago. But you know people who had truly given up the ship would have turned the TV off and gone to bed, but I, you know, had to watch it to the end. I'm going to watch it to the end.
Speaker 1:And they came back. Oh my gosh, sorry about that y'all.
Speaker 2:Sorry about that and I'm probably going to do it again here in a minute. But when it happens, but I don't know the heart with which the guys played you saw a couple of guys on the Georgia team step up and make plays that you know they aren't the stars, but they are the stars in my heart and a shout-out goes to them Wow. You know, I'd like to describe it and go more into it, but you know that's something that coaches can't prepare for and they don't prepare for. You know what if we go into eight overtimes? What if we go into nine overtimes?
Speaker 2:And the funny thing is I was showing you last night the box score of a regular game where you have the four quarters listed in the final score, and then I showed you and then I started to get the finger on the phone and start scrolling over and you're going. You know that's pretty much the score Scorebox had to go four quarters, then four overtime quarters, then four more overtime quarters I don't call them quarters but periods to get to a final score, like a baseball At the end of periods to get to a final score.
Speaker 1:Like a baseball it looked like.
Speaker 2:at the end of it it looked like a baseball thing Nine-inning, 13-inning game or a 12-inning game or something like that that was insane. Yeah and yeah, wow. Anyway, shout-out again to Georgia Tech players and coaches. That was a phenomenal game they played. They played with a lot of heart.
Speaker 1:So does this mean Georgia will go into a final or something?
Speaker 2:Georgia is already in the SEC championship. Okay, now Georgia Tech's an ACC team. Okay, so this was just our state rivalry. Okay, georgia's already in the championship game for the SEC. But people are saying, regardless of whether we beat Texas A&M or Texas in the championship game, that cemented us into the top 12 to play in the bowl series, national championship thing. So if we'd have lost we'd have had to beat, had to win the SEC championship. But you know, we'll see they still may. You know, if we lose in the championship game, that may still.
Speaker 2:The committee may say well, you see, you know we're getting more money from other schools, so we're not going to put you in. I jest about that, but that apparently did get us into the championship, regardless of what happened in the SEC championship game. So yeah, it was a big game.
Speaker 1:All right, any games going on this morning or today.
Speaker 2:Well shoot. Yeah, you know you wouldn't think Vanderbilt Tennessee would have any bearing on anything. But Tennessee still has a chance to get into the championship, but Vanderbilt's been quite a big spoiler this year. Certain teams like Alabama lost to them.
Speaker 1:So this is rivalry weekend, so that means Auburn and Alabama play.
Speaker 2:And after the Tennessee-Vanderbilt game comes the biggest game in Alabama all year long, the Auburn-Alabama game.
Speaker 1:Alabama-Auburn.
Speaker 2:It could be said that way too. Could be said that way too.
Speaker 1:And then I guess Ohio State plays Michigan.
Speaker 2:They play at 12 o'clock. I believe Ohio State plays Michigan and that's probably not going to be much of a game. Guess, ohio State plays Michigan. They play at 12 o'clock. I believe Ohio State plays Michigan and that's probably not going to be much of a game. Ohio State should kill them. But you never know, it's a rivalry game. A lot of times it's a rivalry game. And then, of course, tonight, the big game tonight is the Texas A&M game. It will be played at College Station and for those of you who I'm glad we've talked about this, for those of you who don't know about Texas A&M, it's got about 105,000 or 6,000 capacity stadium and they are very vocal, very strong tradition for the 12th band. But if you haven't seen the Texas A&M band perform in halftime, if you haven't seen it live, you've missed something special. But if you can go YouTube it and watch one of their performances, they are the best, most outstanding marching band you'll ever see.
Speaker 1:All right, we'll watch one as soon as we get done with this episode, we're going to watch one.
Speaker 2:It's phenomenal. Go watch them. Yes.
Speaker 1:All right well.
Speaker 2:And that's a full day of football.
Speaker 1:All right, I'm glad we got the tree up last night then.
Speaker 2:Yes, my goodness me. Yesterday I was cleaning house and doing laundry and I got the tree out because somebody here in our family got special new decorations and we don't have any of our old decorations up. We have all new decorations and it is a red maga tree that's right, baby doll every ornament, everything, every, whatever you call it. We've even got a red light under it, projecting upwards to show more red.
Speaker 1:That's right baby, it is red, I don't know what made me think of that, but I was, you know, diddling around whatever, and I thought you know what, let's do new. I wasn't really excited about our old Christmas. Although our old Christmas decorations are kind of new, they were only like a couple of years old. I thought I'm not really I'm not digging it this year, but what else? And then I realized, oh, we've got to do the red maggot Absolutely.
Speaker 1:With the red wave of the mandated elections and voting and I was like we've got to do red.
Speaker 2:And there are so many red ornaments on this tree.
Speaker 1:You can't even see the tree. Well, they were 50% off.
Speaker 2:Well, of course you know. That way you only spend half your money. Half as fast, right?
Speaker 1:Yeah. I mean it is red, everything is red and there is a lot.
Speaker 2:Yes, but it's very tastefully done. You would think that many ornaments on the tree would be all kind of gaudy and all that stuff, but actually it looks really good. Thank you very. I'm quite happy with our tree. Thank you, quite happy with it. We aren't going to take it down this year. Just leave, we'll just leave it up. That'll be, that'll be good. But yeah, that it's very beautiful and that's how. That's why. That's what I gotta say about that. Thanks, yes I'm ready.
Speaker 1:I'm ready so much.
Speaker 2:So when I up this morning, the first thing I did was go over and turn the lights on and just stood there and looked at it for a minute.
Speaker 1:It is a good-looking tree. I'm kind of proud of it.
Speaker 2:You should be, I'm happy with it.
Speaker 1:I don't want to say I'm proud of it, I'm happy with it. It makes, and it makes me smile.
Speaker 2:And you should be proud of it. I think you should be proud of it Absolutely, and if you haven't, if you really want to know what it looks like, go look at Carol's Twitter feed, Twitter X feed, and you'll probably find a picture of it somewhere.
Speaker 1:You're going to see probably lots of pictures.
Speaker 2:Yeah, most likely. Most likely, Absolutely. What else you got for us Most likely?
Speaker 1:Absolutely what else you got for us. You know it's December coming up, it's my birthday month, it's Christmas. Oh, that's right, birthday. We got Tina Turner review coming up. That's right, it's just going to be a great. Hopefully I don't want to. I always get excited but then I pull myself back. You know it's one of those waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't want to get too excited and get my get all happy and excited and then something bad happened.
Speaker 2:So I just kind of pulled myself back all the time. I've got my yearly physical this month. That pulls you back real quick especially when he says, okay, this is the final part, and you're like, yeah, I'm waiting for this. Oh, and, of course, yeah.
Speaker 1:And, of course, december. I don't like the last week of December, though that's my. I hate that part. After Christmas and before New Year. I hate that week. I don't know why, but I just do Very depressing, so I'm going to have to try to figure out something else to do. Oh, we're also winding down the podcast this month. That's right, but we're having a new one, that's right, our last podcast is next weekend.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Last episode will be December 8th, Mm-hmm, but oh so I've already thinking about New Year's, though. What I want to do, I think one of my things I'm going to stick with, I'm going to try to stick with my new, I think one of my things I'm going to stick with I'm going to try to stick with my new, my resolution I did this year, trying to give you an answer whenever you ask me a question, Instead of saying, oh, I don't know, whatever, whatever you want to do, what do you think? I want to give you an answer, Like you say where do you want to go to dinner? I'm going to tell you. I want to try to do that again.
Speaker 2:No-transcript okay, but taking selfies makes you happy. Well, why aren't you gonna stop doing?
Speaker 1:I don't know, because it's stupid no, I think it's fun.
Speaker 2:I think it's fun, I think y'all keep doing that but you do what you, you do what you do.
Speaker 2:You know you're talking about the last week of thanksgiving or last week of december. Uh, it's kind of good week. I think it's kind of a good week because it's getting towards bowl games, the upper echelon bowl games. So with my football pools I've got that to look forward to. Plus, it's one of my. You know we don't get to cook a lot for everybody and all and I like to have that one-time meal where you know I make the ham and the greens and the black-eyed peas and the macaroni and cheese and all that stuff. So you know my head goes to planning all that stuff. So that kind of. You know, I think once we get to the first week of January is when I go but, that last week of December is okay for me.
Speaker 1:You've got something to look for.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, you know, you've got.
Speaker 1:You do Thanksgiving now, and you do Christmas and you do New Year's. I do nothing around here. I do nothing around here. We don't really do.
Speaker 2:You know, I cooked some sides for Thanksgiving, that was it. And then, thanks, christmas we're not. You know what are we doing for Christmas? We don't have any idea, except for, you know, going over to in-laws and all that stuff. And you know we're going to have people over for New Year's and that's about it. You decorated the tree.
Speaker 1:I put decorations on it, big whoop.
Speaker 2:And it's gorgeous.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 2:Absolutely tree. I put decorations on big whoop and it's gorgeous. Thank you, absolutely so.
Speaker 1:Anyway, december's a good month, is what we're trying to say I think I'm going to create a made-up holiday just for our family, so that I can cook something and prepare it and have everybody over I'm all for it'll just be me doing it, be my own thing I'll sit back and relax and watch you.
Speaker 2:What do you want to do?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I've got to think about it I might do something easy like chili.
Speaker 2:One thing we're going to do.
Speaker 1:We'll do a crockpot meal.
Speaker 2:I think we have two podcasts coming up. Well, two joint podcasts with episodes next weekend. Those will be the last two we do. I think one of the things we're going to do is, when we announced that this was going down, we were inundated and thank you all out there with all the fan letters. I mean wow, it was unbelievable the amount that we got. They just started pouring in. As a matter of fact, the mailman was just. You know, he was like I've never seen such a abundance of mail.
Speaker 1:We got more than Christmas letters for Santa Claus.
Speaker 2:It was crazy. I'm about a quarter of the way through them. I'll be making progress, but I plan on selecting a few and reading them online If you go ahead and drop them in. So if you uh on our pocket, so if you, if you, you know, go ahead and drop them in the mail and send us to us. Um, I'm not going to give the address out again because we've gotten too many of them, but for those listeners that are out there that, uh, do have the address and I only, I'm only going to read the ones that are mailed, the physical. I'm not reading the ones I get online. So, if you've got the address, send them on and I'm going to pick a couple to read next time.
Speaker 1:All, right, that sounds great.
Speaker 2:All right, I'm looking forward to it Okay.
Speaker 1:Do you have a question of the day and then we can stop or we can end this one?
Speaker 2:Let's think about that for a second.
Speaker 1:All right. Question of the day. I'm sure I've asked this before in the past, but we're going to ask it again. Share a Christmas tradition of your family's with us.
Speaker 2:If you have a family tradition in your family, what is it and share it with us, that's a great one.
Speaker 1:I like that Alright good, you come up with some good ones sometimes, Sometimes yeah absolutely. All right, we got to go.
Speaker 2:Wow Go, dawgs, have a great weekend.