Carol ReMarks

Our Celebrity Selves and Football Lockdown Dos

The Gent Episode 9


The Gent is on the podcast again. In this episode, we discuss who would play us in a television series or in a movie; our celebrity doppelgängers. Also, now that football has been canceled, we come up with some ideas we can do instead to fill that time. And the poor Gent, he LOVES football. 

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0:01 Carol
How was your day today?

0:02 Cary
Are we starting? Yeah, this is it.

Well, we'll have to pause for the music here in a minute.

And we'll as well music and then we'll start up talking.

And the music was playing probably while we were talking, but that's okay. That's the way it is. My name is Carol.

I'm Cary

The Gent. He's The Gent. This is life after 50 podcast. Welcome. Welcome back.

We have The Gent with us today. I'm so excited.

Glad to be here. As always. It's always exciting to be on the podcast with my beautiful wife. She's such a great

lady. Great lady.

0:45 Carol
I don't know why that term lady is just as funny to me. I don't know he just is. Well before we get into our show format and all that. How was your day today? 

0:55 Cary
Oh, it was good. It was started early. We were fairly busy. Just start the day and everything went very smoothly which is always good. We got more rain to the golf course last night which means we got about six inches of rain in the last two three days, which for our golf course on the greens is not good this time of year. It's great for the other grass but not only greens but we'll make it by but it was good that night.

I had a productive day I had breakfast with Tyler our son he took me out he and his fiance a tree. Yes he did. He traded we would to give since gives us barbecue. I know it sounds weird to have breakfast at a barbecue place but that's what they're known for. Yes. Then after that I did did some like errands and did a little bit of shopping until I had my massage at noon today. Yeah, testing out a new massage person because our regular massage person retired. I am

still not over that.

But I am He was good. It was a guy. Yeah, I know. It was kind of weird. I don't really you know, but he was a young guy, but he was good.

He was alright. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. Of course, I'll go back to him again. He was alright. So put your phone. Alright, so let's start with some celebrity birthdays. Okay.

We have Oh gosh, we get to my notes here.

August we're doing August birthdays. These are people that are turning over 50 years old because you know life after 50 Do you remember Mary Louise Parker? Do you know who that is very short was I think she was in one of the like Grisham movies. She was definitely in. She was definitely in fried green tomatoes. I don't remember her and she was in the show called weeds which I never watched. But

I am terrible with names of actors and actresses when she turns 56 today, but recognize their faces and say, Oh,

yes, you would remember. Yeah, you wouldn't. She's one of those actresses though, that you know who she is when you see her. But she's not one of these that's always in the headlines all the time, which to me is good. I think that's a sign of having your head on, right? Yeah. And you're doing something right. When you're not always in the paparazzi or in the headlines or whatever. Actually, she's actually working, you know, in your living life

instead of write a drama.

Right? Right. The next step is Billy Bob Thornton. He turns How old do you think he turns Billy Bob's? Billy Bob's got to be 6765 65. Yes. And he was in a bunch of movies. Yes. But my favorite movie that he was in I don't know that you Yeah, I think I did make you watch at one time. Our brand is crisis for Sandra Bullock. But they play the two competing political consultants in a foreign land and they're Yeah, remember that? That was good. I love that movie. I think he was really good in that composite. Like, same

movie. We saw him in that one Strange movie. slingblade

No, no, it was not monsters ball.

Oh, I know who talked with Laura Dern. Yeah, yes, real is weird.

But when looking back on it, it was kind of

funny. It was a recommendation by somebody.

Wasn't it really funny movie and

they said it was real funny. And I thought it was the weirdest movie I'd ever seen.

Really. It was off brand humor. And it's kind of the kind of humor that you look at. And you watch and you think this is funny. And then two days later, you're thinking about going, Oh, that's hilarious. I guess. You see all of a sudden you start seeing situations and those things were. Yeah, that's that's what we do. And that's Oh, my God. Yes. When we're thinking it's crazy, but it's actually normal stuff. And it's really funny.

I didn't think it was funny at all. I thought it was an awful movie. It was strange.

But I like Billy Bob Thornton. And Laura Dern. I like her to which I'm surprised that she was in this movie with him. I mean, I mean, surprises you anyway, it was. It was weird. But you know, he's also in the but he has a he's musical. His he's a musical person to he has a band called the box masters. Yes. And I would love to go see them again. If they still do that.

I remember the music was really, really good. And it was really really.


well, we weren't as very small auditorium too.

Yeah, near Matt Corley.

Wow. How much people do you think Miramax

thing was holding about maybe 150. So

very small venue for him. Oh, and it was loud. But it was good. Really good.

It was really good ears right for the rest of the night. Yes.

Maybe the next day to the funny thing about

it when we got there as I saw a bunch of people there that were old people

I consider them old is like, what are you doing out? You can't be out. You're too old. Yeah, right. Right, right. Yes. Okay. And

I noticed when we go out like our early bird specials, there's a lot of old people there. Yes. And I'm thinking, are we that old?

Now? No, we just have schedules that make it. Yeah, we try to do those things. You know, if neither of us has to get up at four o'clock in the morning, yeah, we would not be there for the early

bird. That's true. All right, next next library up. We got on this kick of watching this TV series not too long ago. Of course in reruns Wk RP in Cincinnati, Lani Anderson, how do you think she turns? Oh, goodness, she's got to be as old as rebels.


Yeah. 75 can you believe that 75 years old Lani Anderson Jennifer Marlowe from Wk RP in Cincinnati. Wow. And then our Celebrity with Danny Bonaduce, then Yvonne

de she's got to be about

57 or 58. He actually turned 61. So he's actually Yes. And he's, he has his life together again. Do you remember there for a little while he was out there and he was doing some kind of reality show following his live or something he was. It was bad. That was what he was trying to get back into. That was bad. He was on drugs and alcohol. Well, he'd been sober now for a long time, clean and sober. He's living. Eight, nine years, maybe good for him. He's living a very simple regular life in Seattle, and he's a DJ at a local radio station there that I can see. And he's married. Follow him on Instagram. Now,

you didn't think I might have told you this. But when I was a child when he was on the Partridge Family that I had people come up to me and asked me for my autograph.

Oh my gosh, like thought was him Well, I can see that

and my brother actually one time made me. Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh.

I don't think he told me that that happened. But I don't remember ever doing that. It's funny

you mentioned that because he's gonna come up again later in our podcast in our episode. Danny is later he's gonna come up later.

But first, am I gonna meet him or something? No, no, no, but first I'm

gonna go back to the Wk because I think one of those series he had was one word. You know, he got the ring and box people. I don't

think you could take it. I think you could take him

Alright, I want to go back to the BK RP and Cincinnati because I was thinking about this. I thought it would be cool if we did like if somebody did a remake of it. Now I think they tried to do a reboot of it a long time ago. And it was big fat failure never work. However, I think if you brought it back in today's world, I think it would be relevant because number one, you don't really hear radio stations anymore because it's all podcasts and Sirius XM. It's all streaming. I think if you brought a radio station TV show back, I think it would be cool because the they were struggling with back in the 70s. They were 70s 80s. They were doing that their whole thing was a struggling radio station act, wouldn't it? Yeah. Oh, absolutely.

I think, wow. That'd be hard to do, I think but you know, you could try.

Well, here's who I think here's who I would cast. And if I was a casting director casting

the characters of Wk c into today, yes.

Here's who I would,

Lord. I can't I couldn't even think of how to start that.

Well, right. Mr. Carlson, I would have jack black play, Mr. Carlson. Do you know jack like is

he would be like a young a young, Mr. Carlson.

More, Johnny? No.

Well, I could see that too. I've got somebody else for Johnny finger. All right. But I think jack black could play like a young Mr. Carlos. just wanting to goof off all the time, instead of being ahead of the radio station. And Jennifer I would I would pick Salma Hayek to be Jennifer. I know she's not a blonde, but I think I would pick Salma Hayek. Okay. And then Johnny fever I would think Matthew McConaughey.

Yeah, absolutely. For Travis I would pick Tyler Perry

level he's the level headed business guy, you know? He's the one steering the ship. Yeah. And for Venus I went completely in the opposite direction. And I don't know if I'm pronouncing her name right because I picked the blade a girl woman to play Venus. I think she could pull it off

to hiring p Henson. I know you don't know who she is. That

would be something I wouldn't know

if you saw her. You would know who she is. She has been an empire. Oh, hustle and flow hidden. Figures she was in that movie Hidden Figures. She was also in the remake of the Mel Gibson movie what men want is but was what women want. Right. But she ran into what men wanted she could you know who she is if you saw her you? I think she could pull off Venus. And then Mrs. Carlson, I picked Shirley MacLaine.

That would be good.

Yeah. So that's who I was. Like.

Oh, God, I forgot about Wes. Who would play NES Les Mills? Who would play him? Jason Alexander. Yeah. He's gonna come up later and to me.

I don't know probably some surprises

on this coming up. So

how can I forget about listening?

Well, that's when you have to really, there are a lot of people that can do that. And again, I can picture some people that I would take, but I can't think of their names. Yeah,

I'm the same way. Big movie person. I had to look them up. I had to look them up, you know, to find their names and stuff. I have to do that and we're getting old.

The next some little parts that we're going to be doing. Yes.

So speaking of remake Wk RP, yes. So we decided to share who would play us in a movie or TV series. I picked some celebrities that would play all of us and you pick some celebrities that would play us, right? You just picked some for me and you didn't pick any of the kids.

Right? Okay. Yeah. I mean, I couldn't go into the kids because that's Yeah, it's not that good.

Right. Okay. Well, do you want me to run through my list first? Sure. Do you want to just do one person at a time like me first? Let's do.

Let's do me.

Okay. All right, who would play the gent in a TV series or movie in our life? portraying our life? I picked three people. Did you pick I picked Eric Stoltz Danny Bonaduce.

And Brendan Gleason.

Okay. Yeah, that's why you may be looking for Britain in places. Yeah.

Yes. I can see that. So it's kind of like the young middle older. Right.

Right. Yeah, those would be pretty good. Yeah. Now, why would you have me do those who

was there already?

And they're all you know, pretty hot. I think they are.

Okay. Well, that goes way across the way that even the ones that I think is supporting me picture that I picture him I picture actors that can do range as far as being serious. and fun. Okay. Yeah. comical. Yeah. Like, yeah, and one's a little more serious than the other tape.

All right. Well, who do you have that would you did you pick to play you? I picked

Denis France. Oh, yes. He was the one that was in opposite, not la la.

One of the law ones, I don't know. One of the police

Yeah. CSI or something. Criminal Minds. I don't know what

an issue v was at all. Yeah, I don't know what that is. Oh, like Chicago? No. No.

Okay. I don't

know. It was one of those beliefs move. Yes. You know where he could be light hearted, but he could be serious, right? I just,

I can see him. Yeah.

Jason Alexander. Yes.

I love

from Seinfeld. Right. And then Jeffrey

Jones. Jesse Jones. Yeah, sorry. No, that is, is that now

Jeffrey Jones would

be the British actor.

He would be famous for two different movies that you might know. One of them was Beetlejuice. Okay. He was the dad.

Dad. We're trying to pitch that

he was also the principal on Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Oh, that guy. That's Jeffrey.

Oh my gosh, okay,

picture him because he's got kind of, yeah, I can be serious. But, you know, especially like Beetlejuice where he, he wanted to get away from the rat race and just sit on the porch and drink coffee or actually heated for coffee, drink tea, you know, and he was planning and plotting and doing, you know, nothing serious, but like, you know, how do I turn that building into money? And then, you know, the next moment, he's doesn't want anybody around him so he can enjoy his herbal tea looking at the landscape. Then he's being funny about things and all that kind of stuff. So I kind of Yeah, like I like and he was that way kind of in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Yes. Yeah. You know, but I think he could play. He could do by character. He could do it.

I think so. Yeah, I like it.

Those were my three

right now for me. Of course I picked Sandra Bullock. I mean, come on. Okay, right. We're like twins, right? Yes.

I've got your twin down here though, but I'll tell you that

all right. And then I also picked Melissa McCarthy because I love her. I think she's very. I think she's very funny. Not that I am but I think I would I would want to be funny. Okay. And then Kathy Bates.

So I did again. I got the young middle older. She's a good actress. Yes. She goes.

She's a good actress. Yeah, I think she'd be Yeah,

that's what I pay. Okay. Like, when I thought who would play me Those were the very first three that popped in my head. Those three I gotcha. So I just went with it.

I had three that were a little bit different than yours and you're gonna be eaten. I don't know. Okay.

Yes, I think

she could do a very good job.

Yes, I

love her. She's you know, She's done a lot of she's done some dark and she's done yesterday and

you know she Yes, actually, I love her in Stranger Things. Oh yeah, absolutely. I guess I like that pick

and think about Stranger Things. I didn't think about that. Yeah. You know stuff in the past Yeah, yeah, absolutely that we're good. Julia Louie Dreyfus.

Okay, so I think she's more sophisticated than me.

I'm not sophisticated diaphragm

was a character Yes. In science LA. Phil. Gotcha. You know who doesn't care

and you're not gonna believe the third one that I had for you.

Oh, wow, that's Get out of here. Oh my gosh, I was just looking. I was reading his notes. Oh my gosh.

Cuz I think

that's why that's why you reacted that way when I sent some Ohio for Jennifer

Yeah, absolutely. I was like oh my Okay, that's interesting.

Why why'd you pick her?

Why does she come to mind? Because she's your your height. Okay five to She. She has your finger and yours pretty. Oh, I left when I saw pictures I ever thought she looks like my sweet Oh, and she's pretty good at herself. Oh,

I like that I like those pics you're good. I like I like the name of our movie be

I have no idea. God Book Three. Oh god Book Three. Oh god.

Oh yeah,

yeah, yeah, you're or let's see.

Have a hot flash because that's what I'm having right now. myself, I'm burning up.

I'm having a hot flash. And I don't know if anybody out there is hearing about life after 50 hot flashes. Believe me men have them too because

I typically will have one just a few minutes. You

have yours at night though. I noticed I do well, night sweats.

I don't know why that is. I don't mean occasionally I'll have one during the day. But and there's no timing for it. Yeah, a reason for it. Oh, boy, here comes. Yeah,

you can feel him Come on, too. It's the strangest feeling. But I didn't know guys that empty.

I almost I asked a doctor about it one time did you? Yeah. He said. Yeah. Only if you're having them every day. More than once a day that we worry about

it. Well, I'm having them wants it more than once a

day. Yours is mine. True. My heart that That's true.

All right. Well, let's, let's skip. Let's get past that. We are going to talk about done. What is normally your favorite time of the year. Oh, but now I'm kind of worried about you. Because I know how much you love football. Football season has been canceled.

Pretty much. Yes it has.

And you are a football fanatic junkie. Yes.

start watching the high school football guys when they come on. Yep. All high school football, follow college football.

It's gonna be a difficult year. Yes. You know, I was thinking about that. A couple of months ago, about a month ago when driving down the road and getting work noticing that the sun's coming up later in the day and the days are getting shorter. And listen to something about how people have uniforms. In depression with this COVID thing not been able to get out and do which, for Carolina hasn't really hasn't been that way because we go to work every day,

I actually got a job during COVID

the only thing we really don't do as much and we've started to do again is go out to dinner, right? We're doing that we're homebodies anyway, so you know, it really hasn't changed that much. But as I was driving, you know, medicine, getting to work notes and the days are getting longer. And thinking about people in depression, I'm thinking, Okay, well, the days are gonna start to get shorter, there's not gonna be much sunlight, and there's not going to be any football. Depression considered for carry? No, I jokingly say that it would but it's just not going to be weird. What's, what's going on? What are we going to do? Well,

speaking of which, since you've asked, since you asked I created a list of things that we could do, instead of watching football, Iraq.

I did decide, sorry, coincidentally I did.

Well, here's our here or we'll just go one thing at a time.

Is this an R rated or is it's G.

Turn over my list. Okay.

I love you. I love you. Alright, I think we could go get like a big jigsaw puzzle, put it over there on the table and work a jigsaw puzzle during that time. we zoom in nothing's on how I haven't done that in years. I haven't done that since I was a teenager probably what's the right now? Okay. All right. See?

Ya officially cancer.

The only thing I worry about that is the damn cat. The cat will get up there and get every piece of it off and then the dog will chew it when she knocks it down. The dog will chew it. No, no. No, they will be taking him to the vet. He's reading puzzle pieces.

You want to go outside? Now?

The other thing I saw the other thing I saw as we could play cards.

Okay, big silence there. Whoa,

love the puzzle.

Well, I thought about bat gaming, but the last time we played backgammon, you beat me all the time. I just got mad. That's

because you just didn't get alert you hadn't. You hadn't

played in a while either.

Yes, but that's not something you don't forget. You know, I

forgot. I used to play when I was not not as much as you. But well, you know,

I played it a couple of times. Yeah, you'd have to take a little while but remember it and go back into it, I guess. But I get better and better, right. So skip

the cards. We're not playing cards, we could

do back to back games. I know. That's a fun game to play. And like I said, you know, once you play it enough, you start remember,

I get mad about it. Exactly. You teach me how to play chess. No.

All right, here's another thing I thought Do you want to go to your lecture? Okay, the other thing I thought of, we could go out and get outfits for jack and dress him up in these outfits and take these fancy pictures and put them on social media

dress him up and oh we could dress him up as football players

us the dog

that's an interesting thought

we could dress up as football players. So backgammon, hmm

and then the last thing I have is we could start a garden patio or patio garden like raised garden like actual tomatoes is it but that's it's gonna be the fall for that right thing but

doing something a little bit different. First of all, getting it and making it a fall. patio, okay? Because you know, there are a lot of fall foliage is that you can use singers, okay, now

we're going to look good, right? But then

when you get up Prepare it during the winter which is going to be followed winter right Eric for that time of making something that you could use into

a garden of some time you don't have to

have it for our listeners we do not have a yard we have a patio we live in a townhome we have an enclosed patios it's all concrete with a little bit of like flower beds back there. Yes. Okay. Not many

right to build something right? No, that could be done so I don't think

so. projects.


that I would take it that's what your list is about me about mine. Mine was all fun and games and you're just going to be

the first one is projects because there are a lot of things that eventually we're going to want to move. Yes we're not and there are a lot of little projects and little things that we can do especially upstairs of our house that you know we get ready to sell I don't want to sell this is because you know if we do several these projects, we're going to make a lot more money off The house sold,

but we're also spending money on it to do it to make it sellable.

Yeah, but you know, if you spend 1000, you can make about 4000 Okay, you're you're done. You know, that's what you have to do. Yeah, yeah, that's what you did. Yeah.

It's a stuff we could do together. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. Nothing that you know, we're gonna be doing.

You know, that's gonna be hard. stuff is just gonna be

like giving examples.

Well, you know, one of the things we can do that was not hard is first of all tear out that bathroom upstairs. You think that's hard? No, that's that's really pretty easy to see in the crowbar, pulling it off, you know, and getting it prepped for somebody who can come in and do the drywall. Okay, that makes sense. All right.

All right. Let's make that one of our very first projects.

All right. That's it football support. Yeah.

All right. You know,

and Saturday and Sunday are the two days that we really have Sunday. I think it's gonna be one of those days where you're gonna want to do a lot of your stuff around the house. You know, with Gracie doing podcasts doing right laundry and all that stuff. Saturday afternoon pretty much yeah. And I was thinking of doing afternoon trips. Get in the car.

It's so funny. He's almost wrote that

somewhere to like

rainsville Alabama, and eat dinner. Okay, and drive home. Yeah,

I actually, I almost wrote that down. We think so much alike. Now.

Yeah, there are a lot of little places that you know, you can do that. Okay. I like that. And the third one that I have written down is by a boat.


by a bow bow. Yeah, what kind

of boat just a little boat we can go. Go go down to the river and cruise up and down the river and drink a beer today. You can't drink a beer. We can't

drink a soda Have a soda

and have a picnic and watch the sun go down.

You ain't gonna we're not gonna buy a boat. Well that was an idea you

said come up with idea.

I should have I should have clarified realistic I don't we're not dressing the dog up in football

I think than buying a boat.

Oh, I get one of those little boats and I can sit in the back you can rub me around.

God I can get my exercise.

You got I bought you a rowing machine.

That's true. I could do it. It was it all all set up for the boat. I can't do it. It wasn't all it was all


Oh, burn those calories here. Oh.

Well, we are at 28 minutes now already. Can you believe it?

Seems like it

was wind this down a little just wind it down. And as we close out let's talk about I guess what we're going to do this week. What do you have planned or

what Wait, what do we have coming this week. We don't don't have anything coming up other than work and that's okay because

keeps me sane. It keeps me going. And

sometimes it keeps you saying

Well, there's so much with this COVID stuff about work. The keeps it entertaining. Yeah, but yet it is stressful for a lot of the rate love things but yeah, you know, most work is kind of stressful at times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. And then also, you know, our constant goal each week is to continue to parent our children. Even though they're young adults, we still

have to they're young adults grown and out of the house and we

have to not treat them like children but parent them.

Yes, always and forever.

That's what we're gonna do. That's my week.

Would you say earlier about instilling something in success? I don't know what you said earlier. Inspiring as something

inspiring them to go on to be great people yes paying their bills

being responsible responding adults.

That's it. Exactly.

Yes. What about you? I don't have much going on either just work which you know, I love my work. I love my job.

Got another massage coming up.

No I have I didn't. I didn't schedule another one. But I have a nail appointment. I told him I would schedule them when I go in for my nail appointment.

One of the things we did this past week is our little puppy. JACK doesn't share that he's looking at me right now because he logged in. He gets a haircut once a month. And after he gets his haircut he does nothing but shiver. Hmm. So all week long. He's been up and up. middle of the day just shivering and cuddling with us because he sleeps with us. Yeah, just cuddling with us. So we did get a jacket here. Get this week, which is kind of cool. Yeah. He's gainfully liver dog when he gets his haircut that he does. But yeah, I don't think anything that's going on, be planning our next episode figure out what we're talking about. Very good. Well, I'm looking forward to it this time. Time goes by so fast when we do this. Yes, I thought we'd sort of doing this that it would just drag.

Thanks, Kerry.

Not because of, you

know, half an hour or whatever, right,

right, right. I know Gracie and I did this same thing when we first started our podcast that we do together. I thought we're gonna how are we gonna feel but half an hour? There's no way we can do that. That's fine.

Yep, just like that.

Yeah, some of our episodes have gone even like 45 minutes. Okay, anyway, we're going to end this. We're at 31 minutes right now. So you guys have a good week and we will holler at you later next week.

You know, we're going to do what we're going to try to coin a way to get off Yes, in a smooth smooth in the way instead of just Alright, we're done.

Yeah. Or that might be why we do it. That's your task are we? Okay? Well, I don't remember what we're done.

Okay, bye

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