Carol ReMarks

ReMarkables III

Holly Collins Episode 30


My little baby sister joins in on the podcast! She lives in Ohio and she sent me a clip to share. AND AND AND, she climbs the Manitou Incline in Colorado, she also shares a few short clips of her on the incline. 

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Hey, welcome to remarkables number three. I think it's number three. My name is Carol Marks. This is the more remarks podcast. And this is remarkables three episode 1230. Yeah, enjoy. Ugh, I wanted to take you on my morning walk with me but no, there's too many people out there. Too much activity going on. People other people walking, how dare they right? We got utility workers out there. We got landscapers out there. Just anyway, I got a workout this morning. It's Monday, October 5. Not worked out in three days. Time to get back on that routine and schedule. I do not want to do it. But I'm going to because I know it will make me feel better. And I've got some people coming up for you. In the remark in this remarkable episode my sister sent me so a recording so that will be coming up shortly. Stay tuned for that.


Hello, my name is Holly. And I am the little sister to your podcast host. I am a mother to three daughters. They are 2421 and 18. Sierra, Cheyenne and Kylie. I'm also the wife to Mr. David Collins. He is my husband. We have been married for two years now. I'm also the meanie to the amazing little miss Everly page. That is my oldest daughter's little girl. She is so bright and funny. And just




ball of sunshine. Her cuteness is overwhelming. And my sister can attest to that fact I'm sure. I live in Ohio, which is my sister's hometown. For my career, I work at a company called vertiv as a wiring technician, and we build a precision cooling units for computer server rooms. So for some of our customers are Apple, Google Verizon, we've done them for the Empire State Building, we do sprint, T Mobile, at&t, hospitals, prisons, any big corporation that you can think of that would have any type of computer servers.


In room we serve them.


Um, we do Facebook as well. So all of your Facebook memories, you're able to go back and look on. That is all for the data server rooms that we cool. So it's pretty interesting job. It's very fast paced job some days. My youngest daughter is also working there with me now. And she is building a unit called the DP 400 which is a very, very large like two storey type cooling unit if you could imagine that, but it's pretty impressive. And she's learning a lot as an 18 year old out of school. Me and my sister both workout and are into the health and fitness lifestyle. My main tip for healthy lifestyle is just move your body every single day and eat whole foods eat healthy, eat the shop the


outside aisles of the grocery store.


That's always a good tip. Except that ice cream section you skip that. But eat. It didn't come from a plant or the ground or an animal you probably shouldn't consume it. So I try to stick to Whole Foods most of the time. If it's in a boxer bag, you probably shouldn't eat it.


If it's got


chemicals in it that you cannot pronounce, you probably shouldn't eat it. Although I do have a small addiction to Starbucks coffee, but that's probably most of us but coffee has antioxidants in it. So other than you know the flavors


we added into it. We're good


Me and my sister didn't get to grow up together. When she was there's 10 years between us. And when I was born shortly thereafter, she moved to Florida to live with her dad. I'm not sure why, but she did. And




she did move back home up here to Ohio when she was in high school, I think around 17. And, but at that point, I was only seven. So of course, we didn't hang out of


like, because of


our age difference, like he wants to hang out with a seven year old. But I was fortunate enough to when she was in her 20s and I was in junior high high school, I was able to fly down by myself and spend some weeks with her in the summers. They were some of the best summers I had. So she lived in Georgia, she lived in Alabama. She lived and has stabled horses on this horse ranch and I got to go down there and learn how to ride horses and be in a rodeo and I have all kinds of fond memories from my trips down there. Now we have tried to start a tradition which of course this year COVID put us


on hold.


But we meet up we met up last year in Nashville and we did a tough mudder together. We were both forced into health and fitness. And I'm more into the like the challenging things. And I kind of conned her into it. And me and my husband and then she brought her daughter Gracie, my niece and we conquered a tough mudder and wanted to after we were done. We were like why did we do longer one, but we're trying to get to do we're trying to put together a trip to do a Spartan Race. So hopefully all this COVID stuff calms down. And 2021 will be the year we get to do a Spartan Race which is a step up from tough mutters


I am going to try to con her into


let me back up a little bit. We are finally after all these years, and me raising my kids and her raising her kids. We're going to get together for Thanksgiving. We never got to have a Thanksgiving together. We both lost our kids as fathers when they were young. And we I would say mainly raised our kids by ourselves. She had the gent Carrie he stepped into the picture and showed up for her.




of course my husband he came in late Kylie was already in high school. And so he didn't have much kids to raise with me, but I pretty much should raise them. You know, we had, they were pretty much grown by then. But I think our kids have turned out amazing considering our circumstances. But I think we've been strong Mama's and we raised some pretty awesome kids.




looking forward to spending our first Thanksgiving together. I'm traveling down to Alabama. And I'm going to try to con her into doing a turkey trot with me on Thanksgiving morning. I'm sure my husband will participate to but that is a five k that they do pretty much all around the United States. You can Google it and find one in your city or near you typically. But there is one in Huntsville sis. So unless they cancel it or go virtual because of COVID. I want to try to con you into doing that on Thanksgiving morning. So here's your


warning and heads up.


And I think that's really all I have to say. And I'll talk to you guys later. Hopefully, when I'm down visiting my sister, we get to actually sit down face to face and do some little interviewing and talking back and forth and do a podcast. So


talk to you later.


And the next couple of clips are from my sister actually on the Manitou incline in Colorado. She recorded a couple of clips for me while she when she made it to the top. So here she is again.


Hi, this is Holly. Carol's little sister. And I am currently recording for her podcast. We are doing we're trying to incline in Colorado Springs well near Colorado Springs and Colorado. It is I don't know what the distances think it's almost a mile and it's straight up a mountain. And it's all steps and it's like totally 2700 steps. So figured since we did health and fitness system, I want to add this to your podcast. If you've never heard of it, you can Google it. It's ma ni, te O you. It's pretty interesting. And 1800 steps. When I get to the top, I'll let you know I made it by CES. Well, I take a little break, I'm sitting down at 2600 steps. I've got 144 left, I think it's an absolutely breathtaking view that pictures do no justice to. I mean, this is just the most incredible thing I've ever seen. They say that's the most beautiful things happen after the hardest climbs. And that is definitely true. I've wanted to stop this about 10 times, there's some bailout trails. But I told myself a year ago, I was gonna do this one day. And here I am doing it. So I'm not gonna quit till I get to the top. I take a little breather about every hundred steps. There's like they're marked. And it's cool up here, which is nice, but it's still sunny. But it's still hot. But it's cool. If that makes sense. There's a breeze. But I'm gonna hop off here and I'll message at the top by Well, I made it to the top of the manager incline. And it was definitely worth it. So beautiful. So amazing. I recommend you Google it, look it up. It's just I can't explain it. It's like seeing this place. And hiking this hike, just like brings you closer to Jesus. For one, you're praying that you make it. And for two, like, I mean everything here, it's like out of a picture book. It's just absolutely beautiful. And then when you get to the top of the hike, there's hundreds of little chipmunks. And they come right eat right out of your hand. And they're so freakin adorable. They like climb on your backpacks and up on your back. And it was so cool.


I love them.


Well, there's like you, you go up the stairs. And then there's this trail that you hike all the way back down. And it's just breathtaking. It's pine trees and boulders, and it's just impressive. So if you ever come to Colorado, put it on your bucket list. I promise you won't regret it. I


and that ladies and gentlemen was my little baby sister. Proud of you, sis. You'll be hearing more from her in the future, I am sure. And now on with the rest of the remarkables Hey, I interrupt this episode because I want to tell you how much I love buzzsprout and I hope that you start a podcast too. If you do, please I suggest you use buzzsprout I love them so much. They are easy to use user friendly customer service is out of this world helpful. And if you follow the link in my show notes it lets buzzsprout know that I sent you. It will get you a $20 amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan, and it helps support my ship. But here is what some things you can get with buzzsprout you will get a great looking podcast website, audio players that you can drop into other websites, detailed analytics to see how people are listening, and tools to promote your episode in so much more. Your show can be online and listed in all the major podcast directories like Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, and so much more within minutes of finishing your recording. podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners, and the team at buzz sprout is passionate about helping you succeed. Well, here I am. back after the walk with the gym and the dog had just finished working out. This workout called for some dumbbell presses. It said to use 25 pound dumbbells and while I have 25 pound dumbbells, and yes I can do a couple of devil presses in a row with 25 pound dumbbells I opted to use my 15 pound dumbbells because this workout call for 20 of them in each round. But before that I did some bench pressing and I was kind of proud of myself I got up to 105 pounds, two reps probably could have gone higher but that was the end of the scheme rep scheme, weight scheme, whatever you call it. But yeah, how's it gonna work out? Now we take my booty is sore in a good way from the front squats from yesterday. Oh, yeah. And I also did lunges yesterday to front rack lunges, that probably is contributing to the soreness of the booty, which is all good. I need my booty to be sore. So the muscles will grow. I guess you know that's at a good work later today. The there's a blogged a bunch. Go check out my blog, Carol I've been blogging a lot since I've been on second shift. Go check me out on Twitter, Carol remarks. And Instagram Carol remarks. The podcast also has an Instagram account more remarks. But anyway, Carol remarks is the blog. That's where I think you can find everything is from the blog. I think coming up soon on the podcast. And I may do this. In the near future. It'll be before the end of October. Anyway. 25 things about me. That will be a episode coming up sometime in October. I will probably do that when we go to Tunica. Yes, we go to Tunica. It seems like we've been going at least once a month now. All right. Hi. I'm gonna go for now. So I can cool down properly. That was a good workout. Okay, I'm gonna go. Stay tuned for a couple of seconds of music and I'll be right back. It's beautiful day to day. Birds chirping clear skies. Not too hot. It's beautiful, perfect day. Things gonna be in the 70s later. All right. Melissa, let you go for now. I don't know what's coming next. I don't know if this will be the end of it since tomorrow is Thursday. And that's probably when I will put out put it out. So this may be the end of it. Maybe this will be the end. Okay. You know what I'm declaring. This is the end of the episode. You guys have a great weekend. Take a three day weekend coming up. I think Columbus Day. Yeah. Good for me. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna go have coffee with carts. That's on Monday, Dan and hartzell. That'd be fun. Maybe I can record some of our some of our conversation, the more lighthearted conversation that we talked about anyway. We'll see. All right, I'm gonna go. Have a great weekend. This should be aired on Friday for remarkables three, I think it is.


And I hope you've enjoyed it.


Hey, just real quick wanted to let you know if you would like to help support this show. Look, I'm not pretending to make any kind of money from this podcast. I do it for fun. But I do pay buzzsprout to host the website. It's just a few dollars a month. But if you would like to help support my addiction to caffeine, or podcasting, go check out buy me a coffee. Better yet, go to my show notes. There's a link in there. Just a couple of dollars, whatever would be great. Thanks. Or you can also write a review. That's also a good form of payment if you would like to write a review.


Thanks. Have a good weekend.

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