Carol ReMarks

Name That Tune

Carol Marks Episode 45


Gracie is back and we do fun quizzes about 1980s music and weird lyrics. Also, we ask each other if we would like to go back in time 100 years or into the future 100 years.

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Carol Marks:

All right. Welcome back, Pete. Yes, yes. Who's here? Yes, Grace. He's back. Welcome to the more remarks podcast. My name is Carol. I'm Grace. Yay. Hi, another episode.


We have a fun one.


Yes. What are we going to talk about today music. But first, we're going to talk about something else. zodiacs. No, that's a different. Oh, okay. 100 Yes. So I didn't even think about it yet. So


me mom. I've been here since like eight o'clock this morning. I was here before she even woke up. Yes. So we've been already talking for like three hours. And I asked her I said what do you I got this off of Jimbo and Casio from rocket 95.1 the other day on the radio? And they had a question that was Would you rather go 100 years back in the past or 100 years forward into the future? And there was a lot of people that really more wanted to go into the past rather than the future.


What did Cassio in the other person did they have enough? The Jimbo and Casio Yeah, so Jimbo wanted to go in the past because he wanted to meet his ancestors. Casio was at first he wanted to go into the future. But then he regressed that statement is anyone to go back to the past. So what do you want to do? What do you want to do? My first thought was I want to go 100 years back in the past because it would have been 1921 I want to meet the woman who I'm named after her grandma Kate that's who I want to meet. Oh 100 years back cuz she would have been what in her 20s I don't know probably cuz Yeah. See grim okay is Paul Paul's mom or mom or neither? Neither is my mother's mother. Oh, okay. Well, I still want to go back in time here. I want to go back if I'm the same age and I go back 100 years it's the roaring 20s Yes, that actual roaring well we did an episode on that I want to go back and go to the culture The everything about it the jazz the music, the fashion everything the mannerisms I want to know how that is the language now they all know back though women don't have a lot of your correct how's one thing Yeah, although women don't have a lot of freedom back then. Well, freedom rights whatever it was a lot different very times have changed a whole lot Yes. I think I would probably go want to go back into the 100 years in the past in the past Yeah. I just without undoing any kind of time and you know messing up the future. Definitely go back in the past I want to I want to meet some people but I just can't see going into the future could you live without the technology would you go back knowing what you know today like what the what today is like or would you go back and not know anything about the future? So that in other words, if you go back 100 years and forget about you what you already would you miss your cell phone and you'd have to do hard work like actual work? I don't think I'd like it i think i would like I could definitely do without it I think just how simplistic it was back then without all that and the coming up of technology because you know cars and stuff are being invented I want to go back and visit certain cities and see how much just like up at this place was not a whole lot in 1920s was probably like three buildings. dirt roads pretty much but it'd be I was a little terrified of the future because the past is the past we've already we already know what's happened According to historian the future we don't know anything I know what do you think the future 100 years 100 100 years from now? What do you think it's gonna be like I think we are going to have flying cars I think we'll go all electric all electric I think that the fashion is going to change a lot. I don't think we're going to be wearing the clothes we're wearing now. It's going to be a lot of I don't know why I think this but I think it's gonna be a lot of uniforms in the future. There I don't know there's just so it can go a billion different ways. It's just really hard to tell what's gonna come in the future. What do you think it's gonna be like? It's funny us You seem like you have a almost optimistic view of the future. I do not. I all I see is fire and starvation and fires and what am I thinking of? Like? Just disintegration Really? Like nothing is left and we're all running after just 100 years? Yeah. I see a lot of buildings only because then nothing was because we destroyed it. Yeah, not. Not environmentally. Okay. I see a lot of buildings. I see a lot of gray for some reason. socialist, a lot of shiny buildings with modern windows. Oh, whitening, fasting, nothing like that. I see nothing but open, burning fields and darkness. I guess people run around being savages. And I wonder what 100 years from now what people are gonna think about us. Now. I don't know. What do we think about 100 years ago? simplistic? Yeah. Are they gonna think worse than boo? I don't know. Do you think what aliens come down and visit? I don't think that far. I don't think I'll get that bad. But that would be cool, though. They have confirmed UFOs. Yeah. I think it's just a distraction, though. Oh, yeah. All right. That was that was interesting. I definitely would want to go in the past. Yeah, me too. All right. So do you want to start first with the music? No. Yes. No? Yes. Okay. Are you ready to go first? What is I've got so a little bit different things than you do. You're just gonna try to quiz me on a DSP. I have. I have a quiz and it's off the internet. It's from It's Can you guess 18 songs from their opening lyrics. Oh, okay. I've read some of them. They're really easy. Some of them I'm like, I don't know what that song is. But it's super simple. Why don't you ask me a couple and then I'll do some of my stuff. We'll just go back forth. Okay. Is that okay? That's fine. Um, any questions? Yeah. Well, it doesn't have a number on it. It just says that takes seven minutes. Okay, to do this quiz. So the first one's easy. And I'm not gonna sing it. I'm sorry. No, I was gonna say yeah, it's close to midnight and something evils lurking in the dark color. Because this is I remember when that video came out on MTV, it was a long video. It was a long video. We died to go while we were dying for it to come out and go watch it. It was like one of the first of its kind. It really changed MTV Video the way you the way videos were done. Alright, here's the next one. shot through the heart. Oh, shot through the heart. Bon Jovi. It is Bon Jovi. I know it's taller, I don't know the title and you're to blame. You give love a bad name. Is that the name of it? Okay. Yeah. I'm bad with knowing the title of the song, but I'll know maybe the same melody. Yeah, this one I don't know. How. I don't even know this song. So Harry Truman doors day. Red China. Johnny Ray. South Pacific. Oh, wait, didn't start the fire. But Oh, yeah. Okay. I had no idea. We saw him in concert and he played that song. Hey, little sister. What have you done? I know. I know the song. Well, Billy Idol my wedding. I'm not doing too bad. No. Give me time to realize my crime. I don't know what this one is. I don't know it either. It's just the opening line. gives me time to realize my crime. Here you're here your choices. It gives you choice. Time by the Alan Parsons project. Time after time by Cyndi Lauper. I think it's time after time. Nope. Oh. Time parentheses clock of the heart by Culture Club. Oh. Or do you really want to hurt me? Oh, okay. It's a no to her. Okay, I know that. Sorry. I didn't know that was the opening. I come home in the morning. Like, I know. That's it. That's it. That's it. I come home in the morning like I don't know. You want your choices? Yeah. Party all the time by Eddie Murphy. Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper. Material Girl by Madonna. Cyndi Lauper girls won't have Yep. Okay. There comes a time when we heed a certain call. There comes a time when we heed a certain call. I don't know. We Are the World by USA for Africa. When Doves Cry by prints, call me by Blondie. Who can it be now by men at work? I think it's the first one. You We Are the World. Yeah. Yeah. Can't Stop it. All right. She's got a smile, it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories. Oh, wow, I know it. I just don't know it. Do you know maybe who sings it? Say it again? She's got a smile. No joke. No. Oh, she's got a smile, it seems to me reminds me of childhood memory. I know it I just don't know it. Guns and Roses. Oh, sweet child. Oh, okay. Okay, next. Standing in the rain with his head hung low. Couldn't get a ticket. It was a sold out show. Oh, foreigner. I know and I just don't know the name of the phone. jukebox here. Yeah, yes. Yes. That's a good song. It is. Alright, I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like making good conversation. Oh, I don't know don't know this one of the choices Heaven is a place honors. Physical by Olivia Newton john. Dancing with myself Billy Idol. You keep me hanging on by qinhuai I have no idea. physical violence a little bit before my time, but not really. I just never listened to her. All right. driving home this evening. I could have sworn we had it all worked out. Oh Bryan Adams. I don't know the name of this phone though. Cuz like a night? Yes. Okay. That's great. It starts with an earthquake. Birds and snakes and old airplane. Money. Bruce is not afraid. Cat Will you stop it? No, that's not the name of the song. I don't know. We got we didn't start the fire. That was already. I don't think it's that one. You dropped a bomb on me. Everybody wants to rule the world. It's the end of the world as we know. I have no idea. It's the end of the world as we know. Show me Show me Show me how you do that trick. The one that makes me scream. She said I think it's a little red Corvette. I should know this. I don't think he's already got Boys Don't Cry by the cure just like heaven by the cure hungry like the wolf by Duran Duran and then little red Corvette saddlery skin. Show me Show me Show me how you do that trick. The one that makes me scream she said. I don't know. Just like heaven by the cure. Oh, that's why I don't know. I don't know the cure. No. I mean, I I've heard of them. But I thought they were more of a 90s band. Yeah, I don't. All right. I made it through the wilderness may diverge like a virgin. That was easy. You consider me the young apprentice caught between the skills and the shore buddies. I don't know. wrapped around your finger by the police. Okay. wasn't a real big police fan. When I look back last for me. All right. When I look back upon my life, it's always with a sense of shame. I've always been the one to blame. You don't know any? I don't even know. It's a sin by Pet Shop boy. No. Yeah, that's why I didn't know how many more that you may use my mind now. Yeah, do some years. I'm gonna try a tricky with some lyrics. Okay, well, I'm gonna say the lyrics and you're gonna they're not opening lyrics, though. Yeah. I only have I only have three. It's hard with the opening lyrics. I only have three. Okay. I have. Let's see.

Carol Marks:

I have Do you ever listen, well, I'm not gonna give you all right. where it began. I can't begin to knowing but then I know it's growing strong. was in the spring and the spring became the summer. Who would have believed you come along, hands touching hands. Reaching out touching me touching you.


Sweet Carolyn by I don't know who it's by. Neil Diamond. Okay. See, I feel like I know a lot of the song names. I don't know who they're gonna be by

Carol Marks:

Alright, next one. I don't know if you'll know this because I don't know if you've listened to this kind of music, but we'll see. I've got posters on my wall as Skinner's kid and straight. Some people look down on me, but I don't give a rip. I'll stand barefoot in my yard with a baby on my hip.


No clue. redneck woman by Gretchen Wilson. Oh, that's a good read, man. All right. Oh, let's see. Oh, this is probably my favorite song of all time is definitely my my favorite band of all time. Okay, riding down the highway, going to a show. Stopping in all the byways playing rock and roll getting robbed getting stoned, getting beat up broken bone getting had gotten took. I tell you folks, it's harder than it looks. I kind of know the first part of it. Say it again. riding down the highway going to a show. Stopping and all that byways playing rock and roll. And it's by a band. The best band ever. Billy Joel, it's got bagpipes in it. What? From? What era? Oh, I say 80s. But I think they were before that. No clue. I think they actually we're in the 70s it is not. No, I was gonna say it's kiss but no. I don't know. AC DC. I was gonna get a CD. It's a long way to the top of the song. I was going to guess that I was like, no, definitely is not them. Alright, and then I thought, Oh, do you have any songs that you think are like weird lyrics? Or the worst lyric from any? Any? Anytime? Yeah, there's a few. Yeah, I can't name them off my

Carol Marks:

head. Well, I have one. It's on my playlist that I listened to at work. And when I used to listen to it when it was popular, I never really paid attention to the lyrics. I just liked the beat or whatever. I never listened to the words. Well, yesterday it was on like, this is what they're talking about. What the hell does that mean? It makes no sense. Though, I'm gonna bring it up because I have it on my phone.


Are you going to play it? No. How can I as soon as they were copyrighted? I will not allowed to do that. I'm gonna read some of the lyrics to you though. She's looking it up on her new iPhone. Well, I have it here. There we go. The song is called dancehall days. And it's by Wang Chung. Alright, so it starts off fairly. Okay. Take your baby by the hand and make her do a high handstand. I don't know what that means. And take your baby by the heel and do the next thing that you feel. Okay. But then here's where it gets really really weird. Take your baby by the hair and pull her close and there there there. Take your baby by the ears and play upon her darkest fears. So what the heck? What Oh, then it gets weirder. Take your baby by the wrist and in her mouth and Amethyst. And her in her eyes to sapphire blue and you need her and she needs you so what the hell take your baby by the wrist and in her mouth and Amethyst. What does that mean? Amethyst is a rock so it's a purple rock Okay, let's not go down that road. I Oh my god. Okay. Yeah. When you first read it, you know take your baby I'm thinking oh a child. No, I mean your partner and take you by the ear and with his fears that's a little crazy thing right that what they are is a lot of they stoned or Hi, Rob. I think they probably were on drugs or they just needed something to rhyme Yeah. There's a lot of strange songs. There's this one song that I really liked by the toadies and never heard of their rock band. But you know, they talk about killing a girl. Oh my god not killing a girl but like hiding. She's already dead. And she and they want to keep her in heaven have a companionship with her. It's weird. Yeah. I can't believe all that stuff. Let's fly. Here's another one. So Here's another topic any way that we could talk about the lyrics you thought they were singing? Ah, I've got a lot of these Do you? right off the top of your head? There's one by Taylor Swift. Oh yeah. What is it? Something about Starbucks lovers, but it's actually star crossed lovers. Say again that she sings something where it sounds like she's saying Starbucks lovers. Yeah, but she's saying starcrossed lovers. Okay. I mean, I have this list here, but I really didn't look at him. So Pearl Jam came over here Katy Perry. Here's the one that got away. Do you know what song it is? Yeah. Okay. I don't know what it is. But misheard lyrics. Katy Perry's the one that got away. The lyric is bs against the world, but I always hear that hear that as against the okay. I can see it. I can hear it. That's funny. Oh, this is a good one Tiny Dancer by elton john. Tony Danza. That's right. You got it right. Yeah. Hold me closer. Okay, you have any more like that? I did not come prepared. Oh, here's a good one. Single Ladies by Beyonce. Do you know what the misheard lyrics might be? No, no, put your hands up. What? Oh,

Carol Marks:

all right. So here it is. In beyond a single ladies my friend thought she said very own genes instead of dairy on gene. The actual lyric is got gloss on my lips. A man on my hips. Hold me tighter than my derry o G. It must be a brand of probably. I mean, I'm probably pronouncing it right.


Kind of man. Oh, here's a good one. Should I tweet? This song is actually on my playlist that don't impress me much. The misheard lyrics is in Shania Twain's that don't impress me much I hear. I can't believe you. Oh, I can't. I can't say. I can't say it. Oh, it's explicit. Oh, man. Should I say it? No. Here's the actual lyrics. Okay. And then you can determine what she thinks she says. I can't believe you kiss her car. Good night. Come on, baby. Tell me You must be joking. Right. And the misheard lyric in there is cars. They think they hear something else. Oh, can't believe you. Kiss her. Goodnight. Huh? It starts with the seat. Okay. Anyway, that's all I have for that. Do you want to go back to yours? Yeah. Okay. Opening lyrics quiz back to it. Okay. I know when to go out and when to stay in. get things done. No idea. Modern love by David Bowie. Okay. I believe the children are our future. We Are the World. All of these are Whitney Houston. Oh, so it's Whitney Houston song. Oh, Cheyenne again. I believe that children are our way. Our our Is it the Dolly Parton song? The greatest love of all? Okay, we're talking away I don't know what I'm just say. I'll say it anyway. I don't know. Take on me. Okay. Desert love in your eyes all the way. No idea. Karma chameleon. comma, comma, comma. Comma chameleon. Me too. I guess I should have known by the way you parked your car sideways? That little gray COVID Yep. I must have dreamed 1000 dreams been haunted by a million screens. Oh, I know that. What? land of confusion by gender? Yeah, I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste, a flannel for my face, pajamas, a hairbrush. New shoes in a case I noticed when I noticed when sight again. I bought a toothbrush and toothpaste a flannel for my face. pajamas, a hairbrush. New shoes and the case I know what it is. Can you give me a hint? Elvis Costello produced the track. tempted by squeeze Oh, I don't even know who that is? I know I probably. I probably have heard of the song. Yeah. Or heard the song. All right. black and orange stray cat sitting on a fence. Oh, I ain't got enough dough to pay the rent. Oh, I thought it was stray cats by it is Oh, by stray cat sued by stray cat Okay, yeah. Step right up and don't be shy. Oh, because the beauty by the tubes Yes. How can I convince you what you see is real? I don't know the search is over by survivor. I wish you would give me more. Yeah, that would be nice. She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene. You know this one. I do know that. I was so disappointed if you don't know. I do know this one. Say it again. She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene. I know what it is. Yeah. But the kid is not my son. Oh, Michael Jackson. Yeah. Okay, Billy Gene. Yeah. I've been working so hard. I'm punching my car. Oh Footloose by Kenny Loggins? Speaking of Footloose, you know the old joke about I'm related to Kevin Bacon. Yeah, cuz everybody's writing seven degrees of separation. Something that dad used to tell me that he told me that joke and he was young. So I believed it. So you know, I went around telling people my dad's really the Kevin Bacon. No, no, he's related to Kenny Loggins. Can you? Yeah, somehow some way long distance forgotten second cousins removes I don't know. All right. What was it? Yeah. All around me are familiar faces worn out places worn out faces. I know this one too. It's hard to get them without the tune without this. So that tells me the melody is very important. Yeah. Say it again. All around me are familiar faces. Worn out plays is worn out. What? Who is it? madworld? Sir, no tears your fingers. Okay. Here in my car. I feel safest of all. miss it. That's all I get. Yeah, I don't know. Cars by Gary. All right. lying in my bed. I hear the clock tick. And I think of you. Is that time after time? Yep. Okay. Poor old Johnny Ray sounded sad upon the radio. He moved a million hearts in mono. No idea. Come on, Eileen. Oh, okay. Carrie just texted he's on his way home. So we got like 40 minutes. Okay. If I, I get to know your name. Well, I could trace your private number baby. I don't know. You spin me round like a record. Okay. Do you want me to try to crush you? Yeah, I was just about to ask. Alright, so how did it Where are they? Oh, the purple? Hmm. The purple? Is the purple text. Okay. Six o'clock already? I was just in the middle of a dream. Is it Billy Idol? Six o'clock already? No. I know what it is. What? Six o'clock already? I was in the middle of a dream. The bangles Monday manic Monday. I'm pretty sure that's it. See hint. We're How do you get the answer? Oh, just click on just click on one of the Yeah. in there. I just scroll. Okay. This is a long one. It seems like used to be a time when you would pamper me. Used to brag about it all the time. No, I think I know this one too. Well, now that I have the answers in front of me worse try. What is it? Yeah, I was right. What have you done for me lately? Janet Jackson. Yeah, no. I just know the big popular ones. Okay, the popular Oh, that was the end. Oh, score. 49% but we probably weren't clicking around. Well, that was the end of that. It was I've also researched what the biggest songs were the top 10 biggest songs were I think we've already done this. But when you graduated high school 1985 Okay. Start with number 10 karma chameleon. Okay. Ghostbusters. Oh, yeah. Owner of a lonely heart. It's a great song. Hello, thing? Yes. Okay. Hello. Lionel Richie. Jump. Van Halen. Against All Odds hills. Phil Collins Footloose. Say Say Say it's Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. Yeah. What Love got to do with it. And When Doves Cry number one Oh, wow. Yeah, that's that's, you know that's funny that you mentioned that because when I tried out for the rifle auxilary core for the band. I tried out to that song When Doves Cry. Good song. Yep. What's our timeout right now? We're at 30 minutes. Okay, okay. Not bad. Nope. It What about Do you know any? Like, what do you think the best movie soundtrack is? Oh, Twilight. Twilight. Oh, that the vampire movie. Okay, Twilight. I actually just recently started listening to the Twilight soundtrack because there's a lot of good songs on it. That just give its essence pretty much are they 90 songs. Some of them are 90 songs. Some of them actually have bands that they wrote songs for specifically for the movie. And a lot of them were 90s bands. A lot of them are 2000 bands. So I probably would have heard No, I know. A lot about guardians. Guardians of the Galaxy. I think that was a great playlist. That's my second. Yeah. Second playlist. They have Volume One and Volume Two. So the first movie second movie, I think the first movie soundtrack is way better. A lot of 80 songs. Yeah. On a rock and roll at Song. Yes, that's probably well. Have you seen any good movies lately? No. Because I'm still watching Sons of Anarchy. Oh. What's that about? It is about a motorcycle club. That get that gets involved with drug running for the cartel selling guns with the Irish. Okay. It says it's set in California. I mean, I've heard of it. Yeah.

Carol Marks:

I watched a good movie like well, I say Well, yeah, it was a good movie. It's a Christian based movie I could tell. It had you know who Melissa Gilbert is. She starred as a child actor, a Little House on the Prairie known as Half Pint. And has Corbin bernsen. And if I don't know who that is either, he used to be a really hottie back in the day, he was like this. This lawyer show of La law, I think is the name of it. And Cloris Leachman who recently passed away at this may have been one of the last things she did because the movie was made in 2019. Anyway, it takes place. It goes back and forth between present time and then back in the 60s during the Vietnam War. And Corbin bernsen. And Melissa Gilbert are a married couple but their grandparents and their son goes away to Vietnam in his crazy wife loses her mind and goes back to New York City and she dumps her daughters off with the grandparents. So it's about the grandparents raising the daughter and then coarsely course Leachman comes along with the man she's a little cuckoo, but not really. But. And then the son ends up getting killed in Vietnam. It's just it's a good Christian based story. It's clean, wholesome. And yeah, it was good.


I really got him. Last we spoke is the name of it. You come in wanting to watch a movie now when we last spoke? Oh, I also rewatched the rewrite. Apparently I'm on a Hugh Grant kick. So I watched Notting Hill the other day and some other two weeks notice. But then I remembered the rewrite. It's really good. I watched it last night too. So cute. Did you ever watch this series on Netflix called the Santa Clarita Diet? I think I watched the first episode it has Drew Barrymore. Right I watched the first episode. I didn't have her as crazy as I was about it. It just got canceled. Oh, did you like it? Yeah, I liked it. I thought you know it was at least I'm into this. Netflix. Oh yeah, he's only one to watch movie now. I've really but when I watch a movie, My favorites are fantasy, sci fi and thriller. Oh, those are my three that I like. Right now. I'm on a thriller kick. A lot of suspenseful like mine psychological movie. Where are you watching? Well, I just actually saw this tech talk of somebody referencing movies to watch that are psychological. I'll have to go back and watch it and see which movies but a lot of underground movies that you don't really know of not a whole lot of popular stars are in them. Okay, that's

Carol Marks:

probably that's probably why I don't watch this kind of movie because I like to watch the movies with the popular stars because then I think okay, it might be pretty good fry. But have you would you saying those kind of movies that you'll I'm sure you've watched the purge. Yes. Okay. A friend of mine were talking about this the other day. And it seems like that's what's happening in real life these days. What's happening? But I, you know, I, I saw previews of it and I just don't think I can so you've never seen the movie? No. Okay, because of the previews. I just don't think I can handle that. It's violence and the first


one's definitely a lot better than the other ones. Because it's way more suspenseful. You don't know what's gonna happen. You don't? I mean, people are getting killed. So yeah. It's coming into their houses. And it's a thriller, suspenseful movie. It's just nonsensical murder and violence. I don't, I don't want to see that kind of if you don't know what the purge is basically, distanced in the future. You get a certain day, there's a certain day of the year where you get 24 hours of mayhem. All crime is not, it's not illegal, you can do whatever you want. A lot of people revert to murder. And it's just scary because it starts, you know, at the end of the day, they have this scary sound that comes on all TVs like Big Brother, you know, just like an Emergency Alert System. And basically, you just have to fend for yourself for 24 hours. Now hospitals are open. Nothing. Nothing's grocery store. And it's it's basically a play on of Do you know when it's gonna happen? Yes. There's a certain date of the year now. So you prepare. Yeah, you can prepare? Yeah, well, so you can get bonkers, but that's what it plays on. It plays on the hierarchy of the American people. Obviously, the politicians are gonna be safe. lower class like, they try to break into those people try to kill them. Wow. And it's just, I don't think it'll ever be real. No, I hope not. I don't think it ever will. hope not. That's just silly. Yeah, silly. Yeah. Even though it's just a movie. I still can't watch that kind of stuff. senseless. Well, you got me want to watch movies when I get home now. I'll probably watch them do when Carrie gets something. Well, I got a lot. I have laundry to do the rest of the day too. And that's about it. Me too. Well, we're at 37 minutes. You just want to end it here. Yeah, anything else? What are you gonna do the rest of the week? The rest of the week? Yeah. Well, of course I have work regular work. It has been a jam packed. Week for me weekend. worked all week last week. We worked all day yesterday. didn't plan to add her other drones. Yeah. at the restaurant. And then we went to dinner last night and bank Dave. It's a blessing and a curse. So then we went to dinner. So then we went to dinner, and then family dinner. Kind of it kind of it wasn't planned by us. It was planned by Tyler's fan. Yeah, don't say don't say fancy. And then I woke up this morning at six o'clock. I woke up at 6am did some laundry. clean my own apartment came over here. cleans your house. Now we're doing the podcast I'll go back home do some laundry watch me watch a movie. But yeah, that's all I have. So

Carol Marks:

I'll probably do long. Oh, I will do laundry the rest of the day and probably watch a movie or two or some shows whenever I will iron to get prepared for the upcoming week iron all my pants that I have ordered. Like somebody I have all these pants now that I need to iron and just work the rest of the week and then we


the Super Bowls next weekend next Sunday. The Dino is playing? Yes. Green. No, no, no, don't tell me. I know. I noticed playing Tampa Bay. Basically Tom Brady. Yeah, right. And don't ever get them going for the other team. I'm not going Oh gosh. Who is it? The city can say cheese. Now look. I have nothing against Tom Brady. Personally, the man he seems like a decent human, wholesome human beings the goat. Right? And he really is the goat. I have to agree with that. No, he isn't right. I mean, he's proven it. I thought maybe it's just the Patriots. Right? No, that's not it. Bill Belichick the whole team though. I definitely don't like Bill Belichick. I think he's an idiot. Brady man, but I have to admit it now. He is the greatest of all time to gronk and Tom Brady. I mean, it is. It's weird. I mean, it's weird because you know, Tom Brady, he is the goat but there's also many other players on the team. Exactly. So I guess there really is an eye in team. He's carried the Patriots this whole time. I think he's just in there. He's just so in tune with his team. And he probably gives them amazing pep talks and is really down to earth with his team. He's older now. Yeah. This will be his last one. He's non controversial. It seems like you don't ever hear about him in the news a whole lot doing crazy crap, because he's a family man. You know, his wife makes more money than he does. I don't doubt it. supermodel. I know. Yeah. I was thinking about the other day. Is she still working? Does she still work? I think she does. Yeah. And then, you know, Kansas City. Three, can see they've got a new football quarterback, Patrick mahomes. He's been in the news a lot. Not for anything bad. You know, he's, he came straight from college. I forget we played for all most of them do. But he's like young, young, young, like just fresh out of college draft, maybe like three years out of college. So I mean, he's only older than me by three years, if that's well. But he's, you know, the young, upcoming quarterback. So I hope this young quarterback beats Tom Brady. Yeah. I mean, I hate to say it, but I do want to seem Tom Brady to get because I'm always tired. I'm sick and tired of seeing him when he needs to go. I know he is. I have to admit that now. I do. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be interesting. Yes. In Atlanta. I don't know where it is. But I'm rooting for Ken cheese. Okay. But I don't think. Yeah, I don't think so either. I think everybody Well, this is the first time Tampa Bay has been to the Superbowl in what? 40 years. 41 years? Yeah. I guess. It doesn't matter. Whoever wins we I'm not that strong for either one. Yeah, not like some Super Bowls. Like whenever the Patriots went, Oh, I was adamant that I did not want them to win. I didn't care watch Tampa Bay is gonna be at the Super Bowl every year, probably how much you want to best? Generally? I do like that part. Because there's Southern teams. Yeah. Well, that's Florida is not really Southern. Florida is Florida. Yeah. Florida is his own entity. Yes, it is our entity. All right. Well, now we're at 42 minutes. Now, I guess next time in two weeks, we'll find out who wins the Super Bowl. Yeah, we won't talk about it. Yes. So do you think you'll come back and do one next week with me or no, because we'll be gone. week after okay. In two weeks. All right. Sounds good. Okay. Do you know? Do you know what we're going to talk about it? The astronomy thing are strong, strong, strong. Yes. astrology books. When did you say the? So that's going to be February 14. We have three day weekend. Oh, yeah. Didn't you say the 15th was a lunar new moon or Lunar New Year? 12th. The 12th. Okay, so I'll kick us off. Okay. We'll start with the Lunar New Moon. All right. Sounds good. All right. All right. Have a good week. Y'all have a good way. Bye.

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